“Work to Rule” from 11th December, 2018 – Charter of Demands
Dated: December 3, 2018
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: “Work to Rule” from 11th December, 2018
Ref.: AIRF’s letters No.AIRF/89 dated 30.09.2018 and AIRF/03(179) dated 05.11.2018
In the Working Committee Meeting of AIRF, held on 22-23 September, 2018 in New Delhi and subsequently in the 94th Annual Conference of All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), held in Kota(West Central Railway) from 1-3 November, 2018, it was unanimously decided to go with“Work to Rule” from 11th December, 2018, if Railway Board(Ministry of Railways) do not consider and redress favourably; the following “Charter of Demands of the Railwaymen”, urging upon them to fulfill these major demands of the Railwaymen within 45 days, failing which Railwaymen would be forced for working strictly as per the rules.
- Improve Minimum Wage and Pay Fixation Formula for all categories of the Railwaymen and all the Central Government Employees.
- Scrap New Pension Scheme and pay Pension and Family Pension to all the Railwaymen, irrespective of their date of appointment.
- Improve Retirement Benefits, duly accepting 1st
- Fill-up all the vacant posts.
- Sanction additional posts for introduction of additional train services and additional workload without insisting on Matching Saving.
- Ensure supply of spare parts and equipments to keep rolling stock and track in good fettle.
- Stop outsourcing of regular nature of jobs.
- Stop invocation of draconian Rule 14(ii) of D&AR.
- Periodical Training of different categories and improvement in training method, specially for newly introduced rolling stock and other categories.
- Supply of free food during training period.
- Remove ceiling on PLB and restore original agreement of PLB arrived at in the year 1979.
- Remove anomalies of the 6thand 7th
- Revision of rates of Running Allowance and other related allowances of Running Staff from 01.01.2016.
- Revision of rates of Incentive Bonus for Workshop Staff from 01.01.2016.
- Restore percentage of all the allowances.
- Restore Hill Compensatory Allowance and other Allowances.
- Put all Printing Presses in operation.
- Restore LARSGESS with retrospective effect and provide employment to the wards of Railwaymen.
- Provide employment to Quasi Administrative Staff.
- Appoint all the Course Completed Act Apprentices as before.
- Improve Rates of Risk and Hardship Duty Allowance and grant the same to all open line staff of Engineering, Mechanical, Operating, Electrical and S&T Departments and increase Special Allowance of Trackmen and Gatemen of the Indian Railways and sanction Special Allowance to Operating Gatemen.
- Upgrade all Group ‘C’ Supervisors from G.P. Rs. 4600/- to GP Rs. 5400/-.
- Reimburse medical bills fully within a period of one month.
- Improve promotional prospect of all categories of staff.
- Restructure all the left over categories.
- Revise rates of Dress Allowance.
- Improve standard of housing accommodation, its maintenance and ensure steady supply of water and electricity.
- Ensure medical facilities to the staff working at the road side stations.
- Provide Rest Rooms for relieving staff at the road side stations.
- Ensure supply of potable water and electricity in quarters at the road side stations.
- Provide fully equipped Mobile Medical Van in all Divisions.
- Attach extra coach for Engineering Staff in all the Relief Trains.
- Running Rooms should be provided with all facilities, so that, Running Staff can feel “Home away from Home” and extend the same facility to the Ticket Checking Staff in the Rest Rooms.
- Abolish E.I. Classification and re-classify them ‘Continuous’ as per HOER.
- Provide resting facilities to Train Escorting Staff in trains and in terminal stations.
- Limit duty hours of Running Staff to 8 hours from ‘Signing on’ to ‘Signing off’.
- Provide minimum two-room quarter.
- Provide Rest Room for Patrolmen in midway.
- Provide Pass and medical facilities to the parents.
- Provide Dress Changing Room, Lavatory, Lunch Room, Common Room for lady workers.
- Stop deputing lady workers in a place/station/cabin where separate lavatory and dress changing rooms are not provided.
- Stop amendment in Labor Laws without due consultation with the organized labour.
- Implement Cadre Restructuring of the Trackmen, duly issuing orders, in the ratio of 10:20:20:50.
In this connection, it is worth-mentioning that, AIRF vide its letters referred to above has already communicated to the Railway Board about the “Work To Rule” decision of the Federation(AIRF).
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Source: http://www.airfindia.com/
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