NFIR – Non-grant of revised pension to pre-2016 retirees (7th CPC)

NFIR – Non-grant of revised pension to pre-2016 retirees (7th CPC)

No. 11/35/2018

Dated: 16/11/2018

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Non-grant of revised pension (7th CPC) to pre-2016 retirees – reg.

Ref: NFIR’s letter No. 11/35/2018 dated 08/09/2018.


In view of difficulties faced for revision of pension (w.e.f. 01/01/2016 – 7th CPC) of retired Running Staff consequent upon non-reckoning of 55% add on pay element to retired Running Staff, 30% add on pay element for retired Loco Inspectors (pre-2016) and non-reckoning of ‘Charge Allowance’ granted to JA Grade Officers (worked on adhoc basis and retired) which is counted as pay for all purposes as per extant instructions, NFIR vide its letter dated 08/09/2018 requested the Railway Board to make adequate provisions in the ARPAN software to enable the Zonal Railways to redress the grievances of retired staff. Along with its communication dated 08/09/2018, Federation also enclosed copies of Western Railway and South Central Railway’s letters dated 06/07/2018 & 10/08/2018 wherein specific difficulties/problems faced by the Zonal Railways were highlighted. Federation feels disappointed that though a period of more than two months passed, neither rectification in the software ARPAN has been done nor Federation apprised of steps taken to mitigate problem.

While enclosing copy of Federation’s letter dated 08/09/2018 (together with enclosures), NFIR once again requests the Railway Board to kindly intervene to see that rectification in the software is ensured soon. Federation may please be apprised of the action taken in the matter.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

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