Deferring of “Work To Rule”, scheduled from 11th December, 2018 – AIRF
Dated: December 4, 2018
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Deferring of “Work To Rule”, scheduled from 11th December, 2018
We have already briefed you regarding our discussions held with the Member Staff, Railway Board, and other officials of the Railway Board, on 4th December, 2018, brief of the discussions held on 4thand 5th December, 2018, is also enclosed herewith:-
The Member Staff, Railway Board, had persistently requested us and also sent us a communication (Railway Board’s letter No.2018/E(LR)II/NM 1-9 dated 05.12.2018) in writing that the items raised by AIRF are under very active consideration of the Railway Board, but need some time, therefore, we should withdraw our call of “Work To Rule”, scheduled from 11th December, 2018.
After prolonged discussions, between the Railway Board as well as with the Zonal General Secretaries, and in consultation with the President AIRF, it has been decided that, the proposed call of “Work To Rule”, scheduled from 11th December, 2018, should be deferred for the time being and we should wait for some time for the outcome of the assurances given by the Railway Board.
I know that, all of you had worked round-the-clock for mobilizing the Railwaymen to prepare them for “Work To Rule”. Now, it has become more important to reach each and every Railwayman for thanking them for creating the tempo as well as we should also inform them about the assurances given by the Railway Board, based on the brief of 4-5 December, 2018, sent to you.
With lots of greetings,
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
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