Modernization of Brake Vans for Guard (Goods) in freight Trains – NFIR
No. II/34/2018-I
Dated: 09/11/2018
The Member (Traffic),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
The Member (Rolling Stock),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Modernization of Brake Vans for Guard (Goods) in freight Trains-reg.
Federation is in receipt of grievance from the category of Train Guards listing hard working conditions requiring immediate attention for redressal. These grievances are placed below:-
1.Replacement of four wheeler brake vans with eight wheeler brake vans:
Due to enhancement of speed of almost all freight trains, there is need to replace all four wheeler brake vans with the eight wheelers with suitable modernization.
2. Eight wheeler modern Goods Brake Van:
Following are the essential requirements which need to be provided in the new Goods Brake Van:
a) There is just a seat in the brake van without any backrest arrangement. There is need to provide proper seat to the Guard (Goods). Modular seating arrangement could be considered for the purpose.
b) For ensuring proper electrical supply, solar panels with static batteries and minimum facilities like fan, light and flashing LED light/side lamps be considered for providing the same in the modern Goods Brake Van.
c) During PoH of Brake Vans, modular seat and other equipments be got provided.
NFIR requests the Railway Board to address the above issues and issue suitable instructions to all concerned for replacement/modernization of Goods Brake Vans on urgent basis to ensure safe and efficient running of freight trains on IR. A copy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to the Federation.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
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