Timely Revision of Pension – 7th CPC
CPAO/IT&Tech/13ank Performance/2017-18/13Z
Subject:- Timely Revision of Pension as per 7th CPC
References have been received from pensioners and pensioner’s association that the revised pension and arrear of revised pension as per 7th CPC has not been credited into the account of the pensioners/family pensioners.
All the CPPCs of the Banks are, therefore, requested to credit the revised pension and arrear of revised pension immediately in the account of pensioners/family pensioners for which Special Seal Authorities (SSAs) have been issued to the banks and in any case not later than 30 days of receipt of the Special Seal Authority (SSA) from this office so that the grievances of and hardships faced by the pensioners/family pensioners could be minimized.
This issues with the approval of Chief Controller (Pension).
(Md. Shahid Kamal Ansari)
(Asstt. Controller of Accounts)
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