NFIR requests to issue instructions for continuance of CMP upto the age of 65 years
Dated: 03/10/2018
The Member (Staff),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) — Age limit-reg.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. 2018/Trans. Cell/Health/Medical Issues dated 24/08/2018.
Vide letter dated 24/08/2018 Railway Board had issued instructions relating to engagement of contract medical practitioners (CMPs) in the Railways and their further continuance limiting the same to twelve terms or attaining the maximum age of 65 years, whichever is earlier, fixing each term of engagement to one year. Representations continued to be received by the Federation against the Board’s order. In this connection, Federation brings to the notice of Railway Board following vital points:-
- Board is aware that there is acute shortage of Doctors in the Railways and also in the Central Government Hospitals. The shortage situation has compelled the Government of India and the Railway Board (Railway Ministry) to grant extension of 5 years to all Doctors working in the Central Government Hospitals/Organizations including the Doctors working in the Indian Railways/Hospitals.
- To overcome the crisis situation due to non-joining of Doctors recruited through UPSC and due to short supply of panels of Doctors, the Railway Ministry has been engaging Contract Medical Practitioners, whose terms are extended every year.
- Selection of Contract Medical Practitioners is done through a Screening Committee comprising of 3 PHoDs (PCMD, PCP() & PFA) and the panels are approved by the General Manager.
While the superannuation age of the Doctors working in the Railways has been extended upto 65 years, the restriction of 12 terms in the case of contract Medical Practitioners does not appear to be justified in view of the fact that on completion of the 12 terms, their services are to be terminated. Federation feels that in all fairness and keeping in view the shortage of Doctors even now, it should be desirable that the Contract Medical Practitioners are also allowed to work upto the age of 65 years and the clause of 12 terms needs to be abolished in their case also. Their contract however can be continued with the provision that their services are liable to be terminated on availability of panel from UPSC.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board (MS) to kindly consider the above valid points and issue instructions for continuance of Contract Medical Practitioners upto the age of 65 years while other terms and conditions may to continue.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghvaiah)
General Secretary
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