LDCE 2018 held from 5th to 8th July 2018
F.No.301(08)/PA Admn.III/2012 to 2114
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts, Postal Accounts Wing
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi 110001
Dated: 1st October 2018
Subject: Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Assistant Accounts Officer (LDCE-2018) held on 5th to 8th July 2018 Announcement of result thereof reg.
The Merit List containing names of 949 (Nine Hundred Forty Nine) candidates of AAA] LDCE 2018 held from 5th to 8th July 2018 is as per Annexure A to this OM.
2. The Merit List has been prepared as per available vacancies, in respect of AAO LDCE 2018 candidates who have secured qualifying marks (40% in each paper for UR and 30% in each paper for SC/ST) and have been found to be provisionally eligible as per the eligibility conditions specified in AAO Recruitment Rules notified on 2nd April 2018.
3. This Merit List does not include the names of the candidates whose result ar.e to be declared only after taking due permission from Honourable Court/CAT at different locations where cases are pending. The results of such candidates have been kept in sealed cover.
4. The Merit List includes names of candidates (marked as Provisional – Graduation to be Confirmed) in the Remarks column of the Annexure A) who have claimed to be Graduates but the entry of the same has not been made in their service records. The inclusion of such candidates in the Merit List is provisional and subject to confirmation of their Graduate status.
5. The Merit List does not bestow any right or claim to any candidate for being considered for promotion to AAO Cadre of IP&TAFS Group B Service. The promotion orders of qualified and provisionally eligible candidates shall be issued separately as per availability of vacancies in respective categories, consideration of Vigilance Status and any other issues.
6. This Merit List is further subject to outcome of the Court cases as per Annexure B and also as per any other orders by any competent court in any other matter/matters connected with the subject.
7. The Merit List does not bestow any right or claim to any candidate regarding seniority relative to other candidates.
8. This issues with the prior approval of the Competent Authority.
(Anju Lata)
Director (B&A)
Telephone No.23044741
Annexure A
Annexure B
Read more here: Signed Copy
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