Clarifying the Issues of Promotion and Posting Orders in the grade of AAO Cadre
No. 18-01/2015-SEA-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
Sanchar Bhawan 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001
(SEA-II Section)
Dated: 05th October, 2018
All Circle Chief Postmaster General
Subject: – Promotion and Posting Orders in the grade of Assistant Account Officers (AAO) of IP & TAFS Group ‘B’ consequent to declaration of Merit List of AAO LDCE 2018.
The under signed is directed to refer the DOP order number 301 (08)/PA Admn.III/2115 to 3165 dated 01.10.18 on the above subject. It is further to say that some officials who have been promoted and posted in the grade of Assistant Account Officers (AAO) of IP & TAFS Group ‘B’ are approaching telephonically to this office that they are not being relieved due to non receipt of formal Postal Directorate order number 301 (08)/PA Admn.III/2115 to 3165 dated 01.10.18, even the same has been uploaded on official website of DOP.
It is therefore requested to kindly take appropriate action for immediate relieving of all officials whoever been promoted in the grade of AAO Cadre.
(Neha Singh)
Under Secretary (SEA-II & Legal)
Ph. No. 011-23036213
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