CCL under the provisions of Rule 551 (E) be removed for the limit of 22 years in case of disabled child
RBE No.162/2018
New Delhi dated 17.10.2018
The General Managers/Principal Financial Advisers,
All Indian Railways and Production Units.
Sub: Child Care Leave (CCL) – reg.
In pursuance of the decision taken by the Government, the Ministry of Railways have decided that the limit of 22 years in case of a disabled child for the purpose of Child Care Leave under the provisions of Rule 551 (E) of Chapter-5 of Indian Railway Establishment Code (IREC), Volume-I be removed. It has also been decided that Child Care Leave may not be granted for a period less than five days at a time.
2. This order shall take effect from 13th June, 2018.
3. There is no change as regards other terms and conditions of this leave.
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
5. Please acknowledge receipt.
(N P Singh)
Joint Director Estt.(P&A),
Railway Board
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