Clarification of Payment of DR to re-employed pensioners & employed family pensioners – Circular No.200
Circular No. 200
Dated: 12/04/2018
- The Chief Accountant, RBI Deptt. of Govt. Bank Accounts, Central office C-7, Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandre East, Mumbai-400051
- The Director of Treasuries of all State
- The Manager CPPC of Public Sector Banks including IDBI
- The CDA (PD) Meerut
- The CDA, Chennai
- The Nodal Officers (ICICl/AXIS/HDFC Bank)…………………………………………….
- The Pay & Accounts Officer……..
- The Military. & Air Attache, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal
- The D.P.D.O……………
- Post Master, Kathua (J & K) and Camp Bell Bay
Sub: Payment of dearness relief to re-employed pensioners and employed family pensioners: Clarification thereof.
Ref: This office Circular No. 166 dated 07/03/2013, Circular No. 173 dated 07/04/2014 and Circular No. 179 dated 12/05/2015.
Provisions for payment of dearness relief to re-employed pensioners and employed family pensioners is laid down in Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Deptt. of Pension & Pensioners Welfare) OM No. 45/73/97-P&PW(G) dated 02/07/1999 issued under this office Important Circular No. 07 dated 13/08/1999. As per the ibid OM, before 18/07/1997, in terms of the existing orders, Dearness Relief to pensioners and family pensioners is to remain suspended during the period a pensioner/family pensioner is re-employed/employed under the Central or State Govt. or in a Statutory Corporation/Company/Body/Bank under them in India or abroad. The above facts are also applicable to the pensioners and family pensioners permanently absorbed in Statutory Corporation/Company/Body/Bank under the Central or State Government.
2. Representations from various agencies as well as pensioners/family pensioners including Pension Disbursing Agencies are being received for clarification on Payment of dearness relief to re-employed pensioners and employed family pensioners. The matter has been examined in this office and following points are clarified.
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