Railway Board’s failure to implement the agreements resulting serious staff discontentment
No. II/95/2018
Dated: 06/08/2018
Shri Ashwani Lohani, Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Shri Lohaniji,
Sub: Railway Board’s failure to implement the agreements resulting serious staff discontentment — kind intervention — requested.
Ref: NFIR’ s letter No. 11/95/2018 dated 05/04/2018.
Time and again, NFIR has been bringing to the notice of Railway Board at various levels and in every fora about non-implementation of agreements reached with the Federations on certain staff issues. Sadly, there has been no progress at all inspite of Federation’s effective follow up action on the subjects at Board’s level. Equally the communications sent by NFIR on these issues are continued to remain pending and no replies are forth-coming from Railway Board. The Federation has also brought the issues to your kind notice more than once, hoping that you would make the machinery to produce results, but unfortunately the agreed items continued to remain static. NFIR lists below the issues on which agreements reached, but unfortunately not implemented even after several years:-
(a) Replacement of 6th CPC Grade Pay 4600/- with Grade Pay 4800/-.
(b) Upgradation of Apex Level Group ‘C’ posts to Group ‘B’ Gazetted (3335 posts).
(c) Merger of Technician II with Technician I.
(d) Allotment of 6th CPC Grade Pay 4600/pay level 7 to Loco Pilot (Mail/Exp).
(e) Stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors inducted prior to 01/01/2006.
(f) Implementation of 10 : 20 : 20 : 50 ratio to Track Maintainers in GP 2800, 2400, 1900 & 1800 respectively.
NFIR also conveys that the Railway Staff (Supervisors and Supervised) are greatly dissatisfied over non-compliance of the agreements reached with the Federations on the above listed items. The Federation however still hopes that you would give topmost priority for ensuring implementation of commitments, which would contribute for improving the satisfaction level among rank and file of Rail Workforce. NFIR at the same time requests you to kindly direct the Railway Board to send replies to Federation’s letters promptly which would also facilitate improved healthy industrial relations.
Yours sincerely
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
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