Priority to DRMs in house allotment on return from DRM posting – NFIR

Priority to DRMs in-house allotment on return from DRM posting – NFIR

RBE No. 116/2018

No. E(G) 2010 QR 1 -1 (DRMs)  

New Delhi, dated 16 .08.2018

The General Managers
All Indian Railways

Sub: Priority to DRMs in house allotment on return from DRM posting.

The Board has considered the issue of priority to DRMs in house allotment on return from DRM posting.

2. In exercise of the powers vested with the full Board to make reasonable relaxations in public interest for a class/group of employees in all or any of the provisions regarding house allotment / retention, Board has decided that in case a DRM after completion of DRM’s tenure is not posted back to the Railway/Unit where he/she has retained his/her house, he/she will be placed in the priority just below the CHODs for house allotment as per type of house entitled for their grade. This will not entitle them, however, for preferential change in house already retained as the elevated priority is only applicable in cases where they go to a Railway/Unit where they have not retained their house. Zonal Railways may revise their allotment policies suitably.

2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

3. Please acknowledge receipt.

(R. Kunchappan)
Deputy Director Establishment (Genl.)
Railway Board

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