Inspection of Branded Items – NFIR
No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Pt-S
New Delhi, dated: 16-08-2018
The General Manager, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(C), CORE
The DG/RDSO/Lucknow
CA0s, DMW/Patiala, WPO/Patna, COFMOW/NDLS, RWP/Bela
Sub: Inspection of Branded Items
Ref: (i) RB letter no. 2000/RS(G)/379/2 dt. 27-05-2008
(ii) RB letter no. 2000/RS(G)/379/2 dt. 30-09-2009
(iii)RB letter no. 99/RS(G)/709/4 dt, 05-11-2015
(iv) RB letter no. 2000/RS(G)/379/2 dt. 06-09-2017
During interactions with field officers, the need for exemption from third party Inspection irrespective of value for procurement of items like air conditioners, televisions, computers, refrigerators etc. has been expressed.
The matter has been considered and it has been decided with the approval of Board (CRB) that even within the framework of existing rules and procedures, purchase officers are competent to procure items on consignee inspection provided adequate justification is recorded and due diligence is exercised. The existing instructions in this regard are summarized as under:
Pre-inspection of supplies by third parties is mandatory (Ref: i) for all purchase orders valuing more than Rs 5 lakh (Ref: iv). However, for ISI marked products, if the order is Placed on an ISI certified manufacturer, the material can be accepted on firm’s WTC (Ref iii). In other cases, consignee inspection can be considered at the tender stage, duly deliberating and justifying the need with the approval of Tender Accepting Authority (not below JAG). For change in inspection clause at the post contract stage, approval of authority competent to approve post contract amendments (not below SAG) must be obtained duly deliberating and justifying the need(Ref: ii).
In case of SS/JS stores officers working as independent in-charges, approval for consignee inspection may be obtained from ADRM/CWM concerned. These powers may be exercised by tender accepting authorities after arriving at a reasoned decision to exempt items (branded or otherwise) from third party inspection.
(Mahesh Chandra)
Executive Director RS(G)
(V. Arun Kumar)
Director / Transformation Cell
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