LokSabha Q&A – Strike by Bank Employees

LokSabha Q&A – Strike by Bank Employees


ANSWERED ON: 20.07.2018

Strike by Bank Employees

Will the Minister of
FINANCE be pleased to state:-

(a) whether the Government has taken note of the frequent strikes being called for by the bank employees to consider their demands and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether this has become a farce by bank employees going on strike every now and then, if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; and

(c) whether the Government has taken any decision to ward off any future strikes by banks that hinders the daily routine of the customers across the country, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor and the stand of the Government in this regard?


The Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance

(a) to (c): Intimations of calls for strike given by unions/associations of employees of various Public Sector Banks in support of their demands are received from time to time. As per inputs of the Indian Banks’ Association (which, inter alia, carries on negotiations with labour unions on behalf of bank managements on their specific mandate),demands raised by workmen unions or officers’ associations are discussed between the managements of banks and the unions/associations in appropriate forums, with a view to settle the issues raised amicably through mutual discussions/negotiations. Further, all efforts are made to avert strike whenever a strike call is given, which may include conciliation proceedings before the Chief Labour Commissioner.

Upon receipt of the intimations, Government issues an advisory to banks regarding maintenance of banking operations during the strike through appropriate steps for avoiding inconvenience to the general public, including adequate loading of cash in ATMs, ensuring operation of clearing houses, internet banking and core banking solution, etc.

Source : Lok Sabha

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