Clarification regarding payment of arrears accrued on revision of pension/Family pension w.e.f 01.01.2016 of the taken over school Teachers

Clarification regarding payment of arrears accrued on revision of pension/Family pension w.e.f 01.01.2016 of the taken over school Teachers



Dated: 28-06-2018


Sri C.P.Mohanty
Special Secretary to Government.


The director of Treasuries and Inspection, Odisha
The controller of Accounts, Odisha, Bhubaneswar

Sub: Clarification regarding payment of arrears accrued on revision of pension/Family pension w.e.f 01.01.2016 of the taken over school Teachers.

The Government in Finance Department vide its office Memorandum No.28300/F., dated 23.09.2017 have extended the benefit of revision of pension/family pension to the retired Government employees w.e.f 01.01.2016 on implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission in the state.

2. Similarly, the government in S&ME Department and Higher Education Department have issued Resolution No.6270/AME., date 22.03.2018 and Resolution No.7651/HE, dated 16.03.2018 respectively pertaining to revision of pension/family pension of pensioners retired from Aided Schools and colleges under the Administrative control of S&ME Department and Higher Education Department w.e.f 01.10.2017.

3. In order to disburse the arrears of revised pension (01.01.2016 to 30.09.2017) to the pensioners/family pensioners of the taken over schools, the Treasuries/Pension Disbursing Banks need categorical information segregating the pensioners/family pensioners under Aided fold and Government taken over fold which is not available. The controller of Accounts, odisha also does not maintain separate authority slips for Pensioners/family pensioners of the two categories namely taken over schools and Aided Schools and Colleges.

4. In order to overcome the administrative inconvenience causing undue hardship to the eligible pensioners/family pensioners, Government have decided to extend the arrear of the revised pension from 01.01.2016 to 30.09.2017 in case of all pensioners/family pensioners managed by the controller of Accounts, Odisha, Bhubaneswar irrespective of the category to which they belong.

5. However, the Controller of Accounts, odisha will take steps for detailed scrutiny of existing pension/family pension records relating to Aided fold and taken over fold so that in future, separate pension authority slips are prepared for the two categories of pensioners/family pensioners stated above. The Controller of Accounts, Odisha will also ensure that retiring pensioners from the two different categories in future are clearly identified through the pension authority slip.

Special Secretary to Government

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