Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2009 – Recommendations of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell – Dispensation of Higher Start of Pay for the posts of Junior Assistants / Typists- Further clarification
Finance (CMPC) Department,
Chennai – 600 009.
Letter No.16115 / CMPC / 2018-1, dated:25-05-2018
Additional Chief Secretary to Government.
All Principal Secretaries / Secretaries to Government, Chennai-9 All Heads of Department.
All Departments of Secretariat, Chennai-9.
The Commissioner, Treasuries and Accounts, Chennai-15.
The Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlements), Chennai- 18. The Principal Accountant General (Audit-I), Chennai-18.
The Accountant General (Audit-II), Chennai-18.
The Accountant General (CAB), Chennai-600 009 / Madurai.
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Secretariat / High Court, Chennai – 9 / 104. The Pay and Accounts Officer, ( North / South / East) Chennai- 1 / 35 / 8 . The Pay and Accounts Officer, Madurai – 625 001.
All Treasury Officers / Sub-Treasury Officers.
Sub : Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2009 – Recommendations of the Pay Grievance Redressal Cell – Dispensation of Higher Start of Pay for the posts of Junior Assistants / Typists- Further clarification – Regarding.
1) G.O.Ms.No.321, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:02-07-1998.
2) G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:01-06-2009.
3) Government Letter No.34124 / PC / 2009-1, Finance Department, dated:26-06-2009.
4) G.O.Ms.No.241, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:22-07-2013.
5) Government Letter No.2112 / CMPC / 2015-1, Finance Department, dated:05-03-2015.
6) Government Letter No.22949 / Pay Cell / 2016-1, Finance Department, dated:09-02-2016.
7) Government Letter No.38250 / Pay Cell / 2016-1, Finance Department, dated:01-08-2016.
8) Government Letter No.19414 / Pay Cell / 2016-2, Finance Department, dated:04-04-2017.
9) Government Letter No.38080 / Pay Cell / 2017-4, Finance Department, dated:29-08-2017.
I am to invite your attention to the references cited.
2. In the reference fifth cited, orders have been issued dispensing the higher start of pay granted to the Junior Assistants / Typists for possessing degree qualification in future with a view to avoid the pay anomaly between the Junior Assistants and the directly recruited Assistants.
3. In the Government letter fifth cited, it was clarified that the graduate Typist who joined duty on or before 01-04-2013 and not sanctioned higher start of pay till the date of issue of G.O.Ms.No.241, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated:22-07-2013 are also not entitled for the benefit of higher start of pay since the above concession has been dispensed with effect from 01-04-2013.
4. In the reference sixth cited, it has subsequently been clarified in the case of one Thiru.S.Ezhilarasan, who was appointed as Junior Assistant on 01-02-2013 and Thiru.R.Kumarasamy and 24 others appointed as Village Administrative Officers prior to 01-04-2013 and not sanctioned higher start of pay due to administrative reasons be granted higher start of pay for possessing degree qualification.
5. It has also been instructed in the reference seventh and eighth cited to allow the Writ Petitioners to continue to draw higher start of pay for possession of degree qualification already granted, which was refixed and excess payments ordered to be recovered based on the issue of the Government Order fourth cited.
6. The following clarification on the paragraph 5 on the Government Order 4th cited are issued:
i) Graduate Typists / Junior Assistants / Record Clerks who have joined / have been appointed prior to 01-04-2013 shall be entitled to higher start of pay, irrespective of the date of sanction of higher start of pay, if other required conditions are satisfied;
ii) Junior Assistants / Typists / Record Clerks who were appointed after 01-04-2013 are not entitled to higher start of pay even if they have been sanctioned a higher start of pay for the possession of degree qualification prior to the issue of the Government Order. The Government Order only stipulates that recovery of payment already made need not be effected. Therefore, the pay of such individuals at the time of appointment are required to be re-fixed at the minimum of pay band (Pay + Grade Pay) of the respective post.
7. All the Heads of Department / Head of Offices are requested to follow the above instructions scrupulously. The Pay and Accounts Officers / Treasury Officers / Sub Treasury Officers are also directed to admit the bills presented based on the above clarification, if otherwise found in order.
Yours faithfully,
for Additional Chief Secretary to Government
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