Sixteen points charter of Demands submitted by FNPO
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 14th March, 2018
The Secretary General,
Federation of National Postal Organisations,
T-24, Atul Grove Road,
New Delhi-110001
Subject: Sixteen points charter of Demands submitted by FNPO.
I am directed to refer to your letters of No. Strike/02/2018 dated 18-01-2018 and No. Strike/08/2018 dated 28-02-2018 on the above mentioned subject. The charter of demands has been examined by the concerned Divisions and replies to each item of demands showing the present status are enclosed herewith at Annexure X.
2. As many of your demands have been settled and few are under active consideration of the Department, it is requested that the proposed trade union action called by you on 15-03-2018 may be called off.
3. This issues with the approval of competent authoity.
Yours faithfully,
(Daisy Barla)
ADC (SR & Legal)
Encl: As Above
16 points charter if demands submitted by FNPO vide letter dated 18-01-2018
Sl.No. |
Item/demand |
Reply received from concerned Division |
1. |
Implementation of positive recommendation of GDS Committee Report. |
Establishment Division: Matter is under examination of Government. |
Grant of civil servant status to GDS. Request for ‘Removal of 3-A (1) of GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules, 2011, Grant pension to all GDS without absorption as regular Group D – As per Principal CAT, New Delhi Judgment. |
Reply is awaited from concerned Division. |
2. |
Granting the benefits of MACPs w.e.f. 01/01/2006 as per 6th CPC based on the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. |
Reply is awaited from concerned Division. |
3. |
Implement cadre restructuring for left out categories i.e. RMS, MMS, PACO, Postmaster Cadre Postal Civil Wing etc. and the demands of the National Union of Postal Civil Wing Employees. |
The cadre restructuring of left out cadres, i.e. RMS, MMS, PACO and PASBCO is currently under examination in consultation with the Department of Expenditure. The Department of Expenditure has raised some queries on the above proposal. However, the comments on the said queries are being prepared by this office for furnishing the same to Department of Expenditure. The process of cadre restructuring of Postmaster Cadre has been initiated and necessary information is being collected from the Circles.
Demands of the National Union of Postal Civil Wing Employees: Same points was raised by the representatives of FNPO during the meeting held on 28.03.2017 under the Chairmanship of Addl. Director General (Co-ordination) and minutes of the meeting issued on 12.04.2017. As stated in para 2 of the minutes, it was decided by the Competent Authority that the representative of the FNPO will submit a proposal for cadre review with full justification and the same will be examined by this office for further action in the matter. No such proposal has however been received till date. In the mean time a proposal for cadre restructuring has been received from Bharatiya Postal Civil Wing Non-Gazetted Employees Union on 19.09.2017 which has been taken on record. The FNPO has been reminded vide this office letter dated 05.12.2017 to submit the proposal at the earliest but the same has not been received till date. A reminder for the same has been issued on 12.02.2018. After receipt of the proposal from the FNPO the matter will be examined and preceded further as per rule. |
4. |
Implement CSI and RICT only after providing all required infrastructure including bandwidth. |
Technology Division-CSI: Infrastructure:- Hardware is being provided as and when funds are made available. CSI will be rolled out only after the compliant hardware is there, either new, existing or upgraded
Bandwidth:- Bandwidth is being upgraded wherever required. The powers of bandwidth up-gradation/down-gradation are decentralized to the Circles in almost all the cases.
RB Division: The Digital Advancement of Rural Post Offices for a New India (DARPAN) project aims to cover 1.29 lakhs BOs by providing Handheld RICT devices which will enable the Branch Postmasters to carry out online transactions. As on date 54308 devices have been rolled out.
Equipment connected with the DARPAN such as Handheld device and solar panel are supplied to all Branch Post Offices which have been rolled out.
In addition to the above, Infrastructure items e.g. table, chair, iron safe, Amirah etc are also supplied as per target fixed every year under the scheme “Rural Business & Access to Postal Network”.
As regards to connectivity issue decision has been made to on board Network Aggregator for providing better network connectivity of various service provider to the Branch Post Offices. |
5. |
Filling up of all vacant posts in all cadres of Department of Posts i.e. PA, SA, Postmen, Mailguard, Mailmen, Drivers, and Artisans in MMS, MTS, PACO and GDS. |
In respect of PAs/SAs DR vacancies, it is submitted that: i)Vacant posts of Pas/SAs for the year 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 have been given to the Staff Selection Commission, New Delhi for recruitment. Result of CHSL Exam, 2015 conducted by SSC has been declared. Recruitment of Pas/SAs under CHSL 2015 has been completed. As per the website of SSC., the final result of CHSL examination 2016 will be declared on 16.02.2018. ii) Vacant posts of PA/SA DR 2013-14 exams of 6 Circles (UP, Bihar, Delhi, MP, Jharkhand and HP) had been given to the SSC for recruitment. These vacancies are also included under CHSL Exam, 2015 conducted by the SSC.
iii) Maharashtra Circle is completing the recruitment of PA/SA DR Exam, 2013-14 as the result of the same has already been declared by Maharashtra Circle.
iv) As per the order dated 13.07.2017 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, the Department is reinstating the candidates who had been terminated in five Circles namely Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana Circle. As per report furnished by the Circles, total 643 reinstatement orders have been issued to the candidates as on 02.02.2018.
For the Postman/Mail Guard and MTS cadre exams, instructions have been issued to all the Circles to fill up the vacancies by giving top priority.
Calendar of departmental Examinations scheduled to be held in the year 2017-18 has already been issued to all the Circles by giving tentative schedule for filling up the vacancies of decentralized examination i.e. PO & RMS Accountants Examination, LDCs to Junior Accountants in PAOs (Exam has been conducted by respective Circles), LGOs examination for promotion to Assistants of other wings i.e. MMS, Foreign Post, RLO, Stores Depot and CO/RO and other exams.
Calendar of departmental Examinations scheduled to be held in the year 2018-19 will be issued soon. |
6. |
Request to grant of a new scale to the temporary status MTS on par with 7th CPC. |
Reply is awaited from concerned Division. |
7. |
Stop all types of harassment and victimization in the name of new schemes and technology induction and under contributory negligence factor and trade union victimization. |
FS Division: There is no case of harassment and victimization in the name of new scheme and technology induction. |
8. |
Payment of revised wages and arrears to the casual, part-time, contingent employees and daily rated mazdoors as per 6th and 7thCPC and settle the other issues of casual labourers. |
Reply is awaited from concerned Division. |
9. |
Restore OTA, OSA & Special allowance of PO & RMS Accounts. |
Establishment Division: Special Allowance of PO & RMS Accountant is being processed. |
10. |
One time relaxation to the Central Government employees who have availed LTC-80 and travelled by air, by purchasing tickets from authorities other than authorized agents. |
Establishment Division: To be taken up with Department of Personnel & Training.
11. |
Removal of ambiguity in the fixation of pay of re-employed ex-servicemen and grant of the benefit extended to commissioned officers to personnel below officer rank also. |
Establishment Division: To be taken up with Department of Personnel & Training |
12. |
Withdraw NPS (Contributory Pension Scheme). Guaranteeing 50% of last pay drawn as the minimum pension. |
Reply is awaited from concerned Division. |
13. |
Implement five days week working for operative staff in the Postal Department. |
Reply is awaited from concerned Division. |
14. |
Stop Privatization, Contractorization and outsourcing. |
BD & MD: Business Development & Marketing Directorate issued instruction in past to outsource certain kind of activities/services which could not be managed with the available manpower/resources. These were new kind of activities, for which there is no provision of manpower/less man power due to increased workload, but they have good impact on the revenue generation. Therefore in order to continue the business growth, without adversely impacting the existing staff arrangements, BD & M Directorate issued instructions to outsource certain kind of activities like pre-mailing, pick up etc. In the express industry, collection from the customer’s premises is a norm as it provides convenience to the customer. Speed Post OSA scheme was introduced in the year 1998 to extend the collection facility from customer’s premises and increase booking points as the infrastructure and resources for Speed Post collection is not adequate to meet the customer requirements. Further to strengthen this Outsourced Postal Agent Scheme was also introduced in 2016.
15. |
Stop move of diversion of business of P.O. SB Schemes to Banks (Nationalized and Private). |
FS Division: There is no move of diversion of business of P.O. SB Schemes to Banks (Nationalized and Private). All the schemes of POSB concerning to FS Division are running as usual. |
16. |
Finalization of Recruitment Rules of AAOs in Postal Accounts and consider the modifications suggested by NAPE-C before finalization. |
PA-Wing: The comments/view have been examined and disposed off vide O.M. No. 301(20)/2017 /PA Admn.III dated 15.01.2018. |
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