BPS : In-ordinate delay in sanctioning the Family Pension…..

BPS : In-ordinate delay in sanctioning the Family Pension…..


Dated : 21-03-2018


Sh D K Gayen,
Member staff
GOI Minister of Railways (Railway Board)
Room No.214, Rail Bhavan
Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001

Dear Sir,

Sub : In-ordinate delay in sanctioning the Family Pension infavour of Smt.Kanchan Goala, widow of Late Rathindra Nath Goala, ex. Khalasi Helper under SSE/W/(CIOW)/NJP died in harness on 01-08-1995 and appoinment on compassionate ground of the son sri Bijoy Goala.

Ref: (1) Pension Adalat dated : 15.12.2009, 20.07.2015, 15.12.2015, 22.07.2016, 15.12.2016, 14.07.2017  & 15.12.2017.

(2) DRM(P)/KIR’s L/No.E/RNG/ENGG/8/95(FS) Dated: May 25,2001- asking for succession certificate.

(3) DRM(P)/KIR’s L/No. E/105/ENGG/FS(ONR) Dated: 23.12.2016 – asking for submission of certain documents.

(4) Letter No.E/105/ENGG/FS/(ONR) Dated: 27.02.2017 – for submission of further documents.

(5) Letter No.E/105/ENGG/FS(ONR) Dated: 09.01.2017 – asking the S&WI/NJP to enquire the case for family pension in favour of Smt.Kanchan Goala.

(6) Application of Smt.Kanchan Goala, Dated: 14.02.2017 and 19.02.2017 – submitting the list of documents.


Under painful circumstances, I, on behalf of Bharat Pensioners Samaj the largest Federation of Pensioners Associations in the country carrying recognition from GOI M/O Personnel, PG & Pensions – DOP &PW, take the privilege to draw your attention to the following facts for favour of your immediate action including review vigilance angle please.

1. That the above named Shri Rathindra Nath Goala while working as Khalasi Helper under CIOW/NJP, died on 01-08-1995, leaving behind his wife Smt.Kanchan Goala and a son Shri Bijoy Goala through his first wife Smt. Radha Goala, who expired long before.

2. Smt. Kanchan Goala, applied for Family Pension to the competent authority with all documents, such as Death certificate, Family Certificate, Nomination certificate for Gratuity etc. in time. But, finding no response, she referred the case to the Pension Adalat Dt.22.10.1999, when a reply was given vide L/No.E/105/PNA-Adalat/99(FS)/III Dated: 15.12.1999, that “Your case is under process and it will be finalized within 2 (two) months.”

3. That, meanwhile one, smt. Mina Goala claimed that she was the wife of late Rathindra Nath Goala.

4. Thus, a dispute arose and the Railway Administration asked Smt. Kanchan Goala, the son Bijoy Goala and the second claimant Smt. Mina Goala to obtain “Succession Certificate” from the Court of Law, keeping the claim in abeyance (Reference no.2 above)

5. That, Smt. Kanchan Goala and Bijoy Goala, applied to the Court of District Civil Judge, Jalpaiguri for issue of Succession Certificate vide Suit No.U/s 372 Dated: 04.08.2001 of the Indian Succession Act-1925 with all documents including Marriage registration Certificate.

6. The necessary Succession Certificate was issued on 27.01.2015, by the Honourable Court In favour of Smt Kanchan Goala, the second wife of Late Rathindra Nath Goala and the son Sri Bijoy Goala, quashing the claim of Smt. Mina Goala , who failed to produce any evidence to substantiate her right.

7. That, Smt. Kanchan Goala, submitted the attested copy of the Succession Certificate vide her application dated 26.02.2015 to the railway administration.

8. That , finding no response, She applied to the Pension Adalat on 20.07.2015, where her claim was accepted by the competent authority and the Pension Adalat decided that, “Service Record will be searched and the case will be finalized by September /2015”.

9. (a) But, no action was taken and the case was referred to the next and sucessive Pension Adalats, till 15.12.2017 as above.

(b) In the Pension Adalat Dated: 14.07.2017, it was stated that, “Letter issued to the claimant and the SL/WI/NJP to submit the documents available with her of Late ex. Employee for construction of Service records. A COMMITTEE WILL BE FORMED SHORTLY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SERVICE RECORDS” , But no such Service Record has been constructed till date.

10. That, meanwhile one SLW/NJP was asked  to collect “FS forms and Documents related with ex. Employee” vide their letter No. E/105/Engg./FS(ONR) dated : 14.02.2017.

11. The necessary documents and duly filled in FS forms were sent to the DRM(P)/KIR’s office as well as to the SLWI/NJP vide application Dated: 14.2.2017.

12. But, even after compliance of all the above demands of the Railway Administration, no action is coming up till date and the authority simply deferred the decision on the old plea of “Non- availability of Service Record of the deceased Railway Staff.”

13. Sir, question arises as to how the service records of an employee who died in harness went missing before final settlement especially when the legitimate widow had been claiming family pension right from the beginning and why even after the lapse of 23 years the divisional administration failed to settle the claim of legitimate widow who submitted all the required document including successation certificate from the court.Why the widow was not even sanctioned provisional family pension and left to starve. In addition to action at your level you are requested to refer the case to CVC for investigation.

Yours faithfully,
S C Maheswari
Secy Genl Bharat Pensioners Samaj.


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