Minutes of the separate meeting of the Federation (AIRF) with EDE(IR) held on 22.01.2018 on left over PNM/AIRF Items

Minutes of the separate meeting of the Federation (AIRF) with EDE(IR) held on 22.01.2018 on left over PNM/AIRF Items

No.2017/E(LR)I/NM 1-11

Rail Bhawan ,New Delhi- 11 0 001.
dated : 12.02.2018

The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055.

Sub: Minutes of the separate meeting of the Federation (AIRF) with EDE(IR) held on 22.01.2018 on left over PNM/AIRF Items.

Dear Sir,

The minutes of the above meeting is being put up on official website of this Ministry i.e. www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/.

Yours faithfully,
(D. Mallik)
Director, Estt.(IR)

Minutes of the separate meeting of Federation(AIRF) with EDE(IR) held on 22.01.2018 on left over PNM/AIRF Items

The following officers and representatives of AIRF attended the meeting:


07-A/2016: Delay in granting of sanction of Honorarium to Accounts Staff over Northern Railway in the competency of Railway Board for the years 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14.


07-B/2016 : Sanction of Honorarium claim.

7-A/2016: Grant of Honorarium to the Accounts Staff of Northern Railway in the competency of Railway Board for the years 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 is considered and necessary communication has been issued to the Railways vide letter No.E(G)2014 HO1-2 dated 19.01.2018.

As regards the proposal of N. Rly for grant of honorarium to the Accounts staff for the year 2013-14, the observation of the Board has been communicated vide letter dated 06.12.2016. No revised proposal has yet been received from Northern Railway. Railway is being reminded.

7-B/2016: The proposal of N.W. Railway Cash & Pay staff for the financial year 2009- 10 was considered by Board and a reference to N.W. Railway made on 12.08.2016 for review/ re-examination of each and every case, of the proposal and FA&CAO (PHOD/CHOD) to personally certify that the claims are justified. GM should also comment on reasonableness of the claims.

No reply has been received from N.W. Railway as yet on the above. Railway has been last reminded on 19.01.2018. Copies of the reference to N.W. Railway given to Federation(AIRF).

Federation also mentioned that as has been done in the case of Cashiers, similar approach needs to be made for grant of honorarium to Accounts staff as well so that the matter is settled at the level of GM without referring to Board.

37/2016: Retention of accommodation on normal rent – Staff working in sensitive posts, transfer to other places.

Federation pointed out that there should be a separate proposal for those staff who are serving on sensitive posts as they have to undergo periodical transfer. They also referred to their letter of 27.11.2017 on this issue. Official side stated that matter will be put up to Board for consideration.

DE(W and D&A)

21/2010: Revision in the Dress Regulations – 2004.



07/2014: Issue of Special Passes on medical ground in favour of two attendants in case of kid patient.

Official side stated that matter is under consideration.

21/2016: Change in the colour of dress of contractual labour engaged in AC Coaches.

It was agreed that colour of the uniform of a contractual staff and the regular Railway employee needs to be different so as to avoid any confusion in the mind of the public. For this, matter needs to be taken up with concerned Dtes. who engage contractual labour to incorporate this clause in tender itself.

38/2016: Post Retirement Complimentary Passes to Group ‘D’ staff retired prior to 01.01.2006 at par with Group ‘C’ Staff.

Official Side stated that matter is under consideration.

52/2016: Provision of industrial/safety shoes to the staff of Signal, Electrical and C&W Departments.

Federation pointed out that Signal and Telecom Staff are not getting industrial/Safety shoes. Official side stated that shoe do not form part of uniform. However, GMs are competent to sanction necessary footwear at locations where use of footwear is essential on account of occupational hazards.


03/2016: Clarification in regard to para 4(C) of Railway Ministry’s decision in Rule 18 of the Railway Services(Conduct) Rules, 1966.

The case file has been referred to the Department of Personnel and Training on 21.11.2017 for their views regarding enhancement of the monetary limits laid down in para 4(c) of Railway Ministry’s decision in Rules 18 of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 to the extent of 2 months’ basic salary.

25/2016: Misinterpretation of rules with regard to withholding of increments for a specified period as a measure of penalty and consequent financial loss to the employees.

Federation has been replied vide letter No.E(D&A) 2016/RG6-10 dated 06.11.2017.



20/2009: Rest Rules for Running Staff.

PNM/AIRF Item No.30/2016 is a similar Item which is being dealt with by AM/Electrical. Minutes of the PNM/AIRF meeting held on 6th & 7th December, 2017 in respect of Item No.30/2016 is as under.

“16 hrs. Headquarter rest shall be ensured. The Running Staff should be available for duty after completing 16 hrs. rest at Headquarter and 8 hrs. at outstation. (Finalised)”

It was agreed to follow up the matter with Electrical(Engg.) Deptt. for issuance of necessary instructions as agreed to above. This item to be treated as ‘Finalised’ thereafter.

19/2014: Implementation of the Report of High Power Committee constituted to review duty hours of Running Staff and other Safety related Categories of Staff.

Federation agreed to review all the recommendations so as to pin-point the ones on which further discussion is required with Board.

36/2015: Payment of ex-gratia and Workmen Compensation in favour of railway employees who either sustained permanent injuries or die while on duty.

The matter was discussed in detail. It was agreed to re-examine the specific case referred to by the Federation in terms of provisions contained in Employee Compensation Act and Lump sum payment of Ex-gratia.

52/2015: Grievances of the Traffic Controllers – Early redressal thereof.

It is agreed that statutory relevant provisions contained in Railways Act, 1989 as well as ‘Railway Servants (Hours of Work and period of Rest) Rules, 2005’ will be reiterated for strict compliance.

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