Tamilnadu G.O : Payment of Ad-hoc Bonus and Special Ad-hoc Bonus for the Accounting Year 2016–17
G.O.Ms.No.6, Dated 6th January 2018
(Heyvilambi, Margazhi-22, Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2048)
BONUS – Payment of Ad-hoc Bonus and Special Ad-hoc Bonus for the Accounting Year 2016–17 – Sanction – Orders – Issued.
Read the following:-
- G.O.Ms.No.6, Finance (Allowances) Department, dated 11-01-2017.
- Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, New Delhi Office memorandum No. 7/4/2014/E.III (A) dated 19th September 2017.
Government has decided to grant Ad-hoc Bonus equivalent to 30 days emoluments on a base of 30 days a month to all ‘C’ and ‘D’ Group regular and temporary Government employees, employees of Local Bodies and Aided Educational Institutions including teachers on regular time scales of pay for the accounting year 2016-17.
2.In the Government Order first read above, orders were issued to grant Ad-hoc Bonus for the Accounting Year 2015-16 equivalent to 30 days emoluments subject to a ceiling of Rs.3,000/- to ‘C’ and ‘D’ Group regular and temporary Government employees, employees of Local Bodies in Government aided educational institutions. Accordingly, Government direct that all regular and temporary Government employees who are on regular time scales of pay, employees of Local Bodies and Aided Educational Institutions including teachers on regular time scales of pay in ‘C’ and ‘D’ groups be paid Ad-hoc Bonus equivalent to 30 days emoluments on a base of 30 days a month for the financial year 2016-17.
3.The Ad-hoc Bonus shall be computed on the basis of actual emoluments as on 31st March 2017. The amount of Ad-hoc Bonus shall be calculated as if monthly emoluments were Rs.3,000/- per month. In respect of those drawing pay in the pre-revised / revised scales of pay, the calculation of Ad-hoc Bonus shall be based on the emoluments drawn subject to the upper ceiling of Rs.3,000/- (Rupees Three Thousand only) per month. The upper ceiling limit shall be applicable irrespective of whether the emoluments are drawn in the pre-revised or revised scales of pay.
4. Government also direct that the Special Ad-hoc Bonus ofRs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) be paid to full-time and part-time employees paid from contingencies at fixed monthly rates, employees on consolidated pay/special time scale of pay including employees in Nutritious Meal Programme/ Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) Scheme (Anganwadi Workers /Mini Anganwadi Workers), Village Assistants, Panchayat Secretaries on special time scales of pay under Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department, Contract employees, Temporary Assistants on contract basis, employees on daily wages and the employees partly worked on daily wages and subsequently brought under regular establishment and worked continuously for atleast 240 days or more during the accounting year 2016-17.
5. The above orders on payment of Ad-hoc Bonus / Special Ad-hoc Bonus shall not be applicable to the Government employees in Groups ‘A’ and ‘B’ including All India Service Officers and Officers governed by University Grants Commission (UGC)/ All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) / Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Regulations.
6. The ‘C’ and ‘D’ Group deputationists from the State Government service working in Corporations / Boards / Joint Sector companies who are not in receipt of bonus / exgratia payment from the undertakings concerned are eligible for the benefit of Ad-hoc Bonus / Special Ad-hoc Bonus.
7.The Ad-hoc Bonus/Special Ad-hoc Bonus sanctioned above shall be admissible subject to the conditions prescribed in the Annexure to this order.
8.The expenditure on Ad-hoc Bonus/Special Ad-hoc Bonus shall be debited to the sub-detailed head “04. Other Allowances” under the detailed head “01. Salaries” or the detailed head “02. Wages” as the case may be, under the relevant service head of the department concerned.
[to G.O.Ms.No.6, Finance (Allowances) Department, Dated 6th January 2018]
(i) The emoluments for purposes of Ad-hoc Bonus under these orders shall be worked out on the basis of basic pay, special pay, grade pay and dearness allowance as on 31st March, 2017 and in the case of employees remaining on the pre-revised scales of pay the emoluments shall be worked out on the basis of basic pay, dearness pay, personal pay, special pay and dearness allowance as on 31st March, 2017. House Rent Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance and other Compensatory Allowances shall not be included. The eligible Government servants as groups only C and D shall be as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.111, Personnel & Administrative Reforms (S) Department, Dated: 09-08-2010;
(ii) The employees who were in service on 31st March 2017 and have rendered a full year of service from 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017 shall be eligible for the full amount of Ad-hoc Bonus sanctioned in this Order at the rate of 30/30 days of emoluments;
(iii) The employees who have rendered service of six months and above, but less than a year during 2013-14 shall be eligible for proportionate amount of Ad-hoc Bonus. For the purpose of this rule, period less than 15 days shall be ignored and fifteen days and above shall be treated as a full month of service;
(iv) The Ad-hoc Bonus shall be rounded to the nearest rupee, i.e., fraction of 50 paise and above shall be rounded to the next higher rupee and fraction below 50 paise shall be ignored;
(v) The period of service for the purpose of computing Ad-hoc Bonus shall include all leave other than the extraordinary Leave without Allowances. In the case of employees who were on extraordinary leave without allowances / Half Pay / Study Leave without pay during the month of March 2017, the Ad-hoc Bonus shall be determined based on the emoluments last drawn before proceeding on leave;
(vi) In the case of employees under suspension at any time, during 2016-17 Subsistence allowances paid during suspension shall not be treated as emoluments. Such an employee may be paid Ad-hoc Bonus / Special Ad-hoc Bonus as and when the period of suspension is treated as duty. In other cases, the period of suspension shall be excluded for the purpose of Ad-hoc Bonus/Special Ad-hoc Bonus. In the case of suspension, if any, after 31st March 2017 there shall be no bar for the payment of Ad-hoc Bonus / Special Ad-hoc Bonus;
(vii) Employees who retired on superannuation / Voluntary retirement / died in harness / invalidated from service, etc., prior to 31st March 2017 are eligible for Ad-hoc Bonus / Special Ad-hoc Bonus on the basis of actual service, subject to provision in para (iii) above;
(viii) Superannuated employees who were re-employed are eligible for Ad-hoc Bonus / Special Ad-hoc Bonus provided the period of service prior to and after re-employment taken together is not less than six months, subject to provision in para (ii) and (iii) above. In such cases, the eligibility period has to be worked out separately for the period prior to and after re-employment. The total amount admissible, for the period prior to superannuation and for the period after re-employment shall be restricted to the maximum admissible Ad-hoc Bonus / Special Ad-hoc Bonus; and
(ix) Employees who have rendered service of six months and above in Group ‘C’ are eligible for proportionate Ad-hoc Bonus only. If an employee rendered less than six months of service in Group ‘C’ and more than six months in Group ‘B’, he shall not be eligible for Ad-hoc Bonus.
-/ Forwarded : By Order /-
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