CGHS – Revoking of suspension of empanelment in r/o M/s Krishna Super Specialty Hospital ,Kanpur
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No.3-2/2011-12/CGHS/KNP/ 13263-79
Government of India
Central Government Health Scheme
Plot No.08-11, Ratanlal Nagar, Kanpur.
Dated : 29-12-2017
Sub: Revoking of suspension of empanelment in r/o M/s Krishna Super Specialty Hospital, 363 Harrisganj near tatmil Chauraha, Kanpur-reg.
On the basis of recommendation submitted by the review committee officers Dr. Chandra Bhushan CMO SAG, Dr. S.M.Shukla CMO NFSG & Dr. Akhilesh Kumar M.O., it has now been decided by the undersigned that suspension of M/s Krishna Super Specialty Hospital 363 Harisganj near tatmil chauraha Kanpur may be revoked in public interest w.e.f.29-12-2017 to provide better quality & fair services to the beneficiaries of CGHS Kanpur on trial basis. The empanelment would be for all those facilities available in the Hospital and as per same terms and conditions on which it was empanelled prior to 27-07-2017.
(Dr. P.K.Pachouri)
Additional Director
CGHS, Kanpur.
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