Allotment of Qualification related Pay Matrix — ECG Technicians in Railways
New Delhi, dated:27/12/2017
The General Secretary,
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 55.
Sub: Allotment of Qualification related Pay Matrix – ECG Technicians in Railways.
Please refer to your letter No. II/1/Part XII dated 08.11.2017 wherein it has b pointed out that Board’s response on Federation’s earlier representations dated 26.0 and 23.01.2017 on the mentioned subject is yet to be received by the Federation.
2. In this context, it is stated that through representation dated 26.09.2016 Federation demanded to revise entry level qualification of ECG Technicians and to provide level 6 in Pay Matrix (GP Rs. 4200/Pre-revised Scale) to the existing ECG Technicians in level 4 in Pay Matrix (GP Rs.2400/Pre-revised Scale).
3. The issue above was examined in depth and a detailed reply Was also given to Federation vide Board’s letter of even no. dated 06.03.2017, copy of the same is enclosed herewith for reference.
Encl. As above.
For Secretary, Railway Board
No. PC-VII/2016/R-U/40
New Delhi, dated: 06/ 03 /2017
The General Secretary,
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 56.
Sub: Allotment of Qualification related Pay Matrix — ECG Technicians in Railways.
Please refer to your letter No. II/1/Part XI dated 26.09.2016, wherein it has been requested to revise entry qualification of ECG Technicians and to provide level 6 in Pay Matrix (GP Rs.4200/Pre-revised Scale) to the existing ECG Technicians in level 4 in Pay Matrix (GP Rs.2400/Pre-revised Scale).
2. With respect to demand of higher pay level (GP 4200/Level 6) to ECG Technicians, it is stated that the issues raised by various para-medical staff of Indian Railways including demands of ECG Technicians i.e. grant higher GP, creation of new higher posts and to standardize the entry qualification were placed before 7th CPC. 7th CPC considered the issues pertaining to para-medical cadre of Indian Railways in a holistic manner and made a through comparison with corresponding categories under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. While the recommendations in respect of para-medical cadre exclusively under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare are in Chapter 7.6, recommendations in respect of para-medical cadre under Ministry of Railways have been made in Chapter 7.7 of the Report. Commission has made specific recommendations wherever upgradation have been made such as Dieticians, Perfusionists etc and further given justification for categories for which replacement scales have been suggested. In respect of ECG Technicians of the Railways, no specific recommendations have been made by 7th CPC.
3. As far as exact parity of different categories in paramedical staff of Railways with paramedical staff of other specified Central Government Hospitals (especially those of national eminence like AIIMS) is concerned, it is pertinent to mention here that service conditions in different hospitals may be different based on functional requirements. Accordingly, functional requirements and thus service conditions in Institutions of National eminence like AIIMS/JIPMER cannot always be compared with smaller Railway Hospitals/dispensaries keeping in view the number of cases and critical nature of the case being attended by them.
4. It is also pointed out that minimum entry qualification of ECG Technicians in the Railways have been revised fairly recently as notified vide RBE No. 118/2015. These entry qualifications, issued after detailed consideration in the nodal Dte, are also not the same as those in other Hospitals/Institutes cited by the Federation. It may therefore be appreciated that another review of the qualifications is therefore not feasible at this stage.
5. As pointed out by the 7th CPC in the relevant para 7.6.9 of the Report, ” However, identical nomenclature alone, without comparable qualification and job responsibilities, cannot be the basis for parity in pay level”, considering the matter in totality therefore, it may be apprecigted that review of pay structure of ECG Technicians in the Railways does not seem indicated at present.
For Secretary,Railway Board.
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