Pay Anomaly in respect of Maj Generals and It Generals promoted before 01/01/2016
1. Consequent upon implementation of 7th Pay Commission Orders, Maj Generals promoted after 01/01/2016 are drawing more pay than the officers in the same Corps, who were promoted as Ma] Generals prior to 01/01/2016. Hence stepping up of pay of Ma] Generals promoted prior to 01/01/2016 has been carried out, at par with the pay from the date of promotion of Ma] General of that Corps, promoted after 01/01/2016 based on seniority list received from ADGPS . Subsequent increments have been granted thereafter and the pay also revised on promotion to the rank of Lt General, wherever applicable.
2 (a). Consequent upon implementation of 7th Pay Commission Orders, Lt Generals (HAG) promoted after 01/01/2016 are drawing more pay than the Lt Generals (HAG), in same Corps, promoted before 01/01/2016. The case are under examination for stepping up of pay of Lt Generals (HAG) promoted before 01/01/2016, at par with pay from the date of promotion of Lt Generals (HAG), in that Corps, promoted after 01/01/2016.
2 (b)(i) Pay revision in Approx 31 such cases is under progress and will be found adjusted in 09/2017 Pay Account.
2 (b) (ii) In 36 cases of Lt General drawing pay in HAG & HAG(+) scale are under examination and those cases not covered under the provisions of SRO 12 (E) dated 03.05.17 regarding stepping up of Pay, will be taken to CGDA office and IHQ of MoD (Army) / Ministry of Defence for clarification.
2(b) (iii) In 19 cases, where General officers are holding appointment of Army Commanders as on 01/01/2016 drawing maximum pay of Rs.2,25,000/- will not involve any stepping up of pay since there is no pay anomaly.
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