Minutes of DC / JCM meeting held on 23rd & 24th October, 2017
No. 2017/E(LR)I/JCM 2-1
Dated 25.10.2017
The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi 110 055.
The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi – 110 055.
Dear Sirs,
Sub: Minutes of the DC/JCM(Railways) meeting held on 23rd & 24th October, 2017.
Minutes of the above meeting is being put up on official website of this Ministry i.e. ww.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/ Copy of the minutes was also given to Staff Side during the meeting itself.
Yours faithfully,
Director.Estt (IR)
Minutes of meeting of DC/JCM held on 23-24 October 2017
DG(RHS)/ PED(Health)
12/2009: Recognition of hospitals and tie-ups for Neuro surgery patients on Central Railway.
As per the extant practice being followed by the Railways, private hospitals are empanelled as per CGHS rates. In the instant case, Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai is not willing to provide Neurosurgery treatment as per CGHS rates whereas there are other private hospitals available which are willing to provide Neurosurgery treatment as per CGHS rates and Railway has empanelled four such private hospitals i.e. (i) Surana Hospital, Chembur (2) Suraj Hospital, Sanapada (3) Balalji Hospital, Byculla and (4) Seven Hills Hospital, Mumbai. Four private hospitals empanelled for Neurosurgery treatment seems enough to cater the Neurosurgery cases needs of Central Railway.
On the insistence of the Staff side, it was agreed to review empanelment of Jaslok Hospital.
25/2009: Pre-medical Examination- Relaxation for Loco Pilots declared with Type II Diabetes.
Instructions issued vide Board’s letter No.2008/H/5/18 dt. 5.8.2016.
14/2010: Medical facilities to the staff working at the road side stations and ganghuts.
Instructions for reimbursement of Medical Claims will be reiterated within a fortnight. A separate meeting will be held with DG/RHS regarding provision of Mobile Medical Vans in all the Divisions.
27/2011: Issuance of incorrect Medical Certificates in the case of medically decategorised staff leading to avoidable problems and denial of compassionate appointment (other officer concerned – EDE/N).
Issue will be re-examined.
17/2009: Arbitrary cancellation of norms for non-gazetted categories of Signalling Staff (Group ‘C’ & ‘D’) – S&T Department.
The issue was discussed threadbare and it was also explained by the official side that around 56,000 more posts will be required as per the yardstick. It was agreed to hold a separate meeting of the Staff Side with Board(MS & FC) at the earliest.
4/2009: Provision of ACs in the UTS machine offices on the suburban section.
It was agreed to call for the status from GMs, Central & Western Railway.
9/2011: Scale of electrical fittings for staff quarters – Provision for installing airconditioners in residential quarters.
It was agreed to hold a separate meeting of the Staff Side with AM(Elect.).
4/2012: Line Box for Loco Pilot and Guard – Revision of cost – Reg.
Matter is under process for upwardly revising the cost.
30/2012: Improvement in the conditions of Running Rooms and Rest Houses.
After discussions, it was decided that there will be a Joint Committee including representatives from both Federations. EDME(Tr.) will take necessary action for formation of this committee which shall examine the condition of the Running Rooms vis-a-vis the recommendations of EDs’ Committee.
29/2011: Filling-up posts of Loco Inspectors and Power Controllers/Crew Controllers – Modification thereof (EDPC-I).
Discussed and finalised.
28/97: Yardstick for staff under Junior Engineer/ Section Engineer (Works).
AM(CE) stated that committee will be asked to expedite and submit their report by 31.01.2018.
46/2003: Additional workload on Keyman-Correction slip No.58 and 73 – Para 170(6) of IRPWM.
AM(CE) stated that committee will be asked to expedite and submit their report by 31.01.2018.
15/2012: Implementation of the report of the Committee on Trackmen.
The issue regarding restructuring of the posts of the Track Maintainers (10:20:20:50) is under process and is to be finalised by 31.12.2017.
24/2011: Provision of accommodation to Trackmen in Accident Relief Train.
Sitting space for nominated Track Maintainers has also been provided in NR and SECR. Sitting space has also been provided in 4 ARTs of NCR and 2 ARTs of WR. Further efforts will continue for providing similar facility in other zones.
17/2011: Implementation of Rest Rules for the staff of Track Machine Organization.
Instruction already exists and will be reiterated.
11/2012: Treatment of the cadre of the Cook as a regular cadre in the Track Machine Organization vis-a-vis extending the benefit of restructuring.
It was contended by the staff side that the cadre of the Cook in Track Machine Organization(TMO) has been treated as ex-cadre. Official side agreed to examine the issue of encadrement of TMO Cooks so that they can have better promotion avenue.
40/2001: Arbitrary reduction of incentives bonus to SEs and SSEs – withdrawal of Board’s decision –urged.
After detailed discussion, it was decided that a separate meeting of Staff Side with Board(MRS, MS & FC) will be held at the earliest.
2/2005: Extension of Incentive Scheme in left-out shops/sections in Railway workshops/Production Units covered under CLW type Incentive Scheme.
The demand for incentive for Ajmer Diesel POH Workshop will be taken up for study in regard to existing workload and possible additional workload which may permit grant of incentive.
AM(Commercial)/ PED(Coaching)
5/2009: Reservation in the trains for Running Staff.
After detailed discussions, it was agreed that Coaching and Commercial Dte. will jointly address the problem and provide a workable solution.
AM(Commercial)/ EDPM
20/2010: Quantum of debits to be raised in case of missing PRS Ticket/Rolls.
Instructions have been reiterated jointly by Commercial and Accounts Directorates to all Zonal Railways vide letter No.2006/AC-II/45/10 dated 27.06.2016. Staff side raised that when the Alpha code is not printed by system mistake, debits should not be raised without enquiry. Official side explained that the main issue stands settled with the issue of the above instructions.
22/2010: Provision of adequate facilities for Ticket Checking Staff in the Rest Houses on the Zonal Railways.
Staff side requested for status report from all the zonal Railways which was agreed to. Staff Side also requested that policy instructions in the matter be reiterated which was also agreed to.
PED(Finance)/ EDF(E)
12/2005: Payment of Washing Allowance.
8/2011: Demands of the AC staff of the Indian Railways.
Instructions have been issued vide RBE No.141/2017 to the effect that consequent to the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of the 7th CPC, these four allowances namely Washing allowance, kit maintenance allowance, uniform allowance and Shoe allowance have been subsumed into a single Dress Allowance. On other issues under Item No.8/2011, position will be furnished.
1/2011: Disciplinary proceedings arising out of Vigilance cases against Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ staff.
The matter was discussed. In some railways the adequacy of punishment is also being decided in consultation with Vigilance. Clarification will be issued on this aspect.
18/2010: Provision of Rest Rooms at wayside stations.
Out of total 1647 identified stations, 396 stations have been provided Rest Rooms. Number of stations where work is in progress is 63 and number of stations where work has been proposed is 266. Latest status report shall be provided to the Staff Side.
26/2010: Special Duty Allowance – Exemption sought for from the purview of Income Tax.
The matter has been referred to the Ministry of Finance vide Board’s OM No.F(X)I-2009/ 23/6 dated 24.09.2012. Reply from Ministry of Finance is still awaited despite reminders, the latest of which was sent on 04.09.2017. Staff side requested for copies of references made which was provided in the meeting itself.
13/2012: Refund of Income Tax deducted from the salary of Running Staff.
Mechanism for refund of excess income tax has been prescribed in Sec.237 & 238 of the Income Tax Act 1961. It was however agreed to issue instructions to the Zonal Railways etc. in the matter.
24/2012: Exemption of Transport Allowance from the purview of Income Tax – Enhancement of exemption limit from 800 to 3200 plus D.A. thereon.
Ministry of Finance (CBDT) vide Notification No.39/2015/F.NO.142/02/2015-TPL dated 13.04.2015 have revised the exemption limits regarding Transport Allowance w.e.f. 01.04.2015.
7/2006: Promotion against vacant posts in the diminishing cadres-Relaxation of extant policy – Requested.
Discussed and finalised.
26/2007: Introduction of objective type question in the written test held as part of selection for promotion to posts classified as ‘Selection’ – extending the provision of 50% objective type questions for selection from group ‘C’ to ‘B’ posts.
Staff Side stated that in the written test for selection from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts, atleast 50% of the questions need to be objective type. It was agreed to examine the issue. 16/2011: Strengthening of Legal Cadre in the Railways.
Discussed and finalised.
14/2007: Fixation of pay under Rule 1313(1)(A)(1) (erstwhile FR 22 C) to the staff promoted to the identical scales of pay carrying higher duties and responsibilities.
Ministry of Finance’s OM No.F-2-1/2015-E.III(A) dated 16.10.2015 has been adopted by Ministry of Railways on mutatis-mutandis basis vide Railway Board vide letter No.PCVI/2015/IC/I dated 08.04.2016. Clarification on some of the issues raised by Staff Side, Zonal Railways/ PUs has also been issued vide letter dated 19.09.2017.
26/2009: Merger of upgraded group ‘D’ posts in pay scale of 3050-4590 (Group ‘C’) of Diesel/ Elect. Loco/EMU Sheds in Technician III cadre.
Position explained in detail. Staff Side insisted to have fresh look.
33/98: Provision of adequate percentage of leave reserve for group ‘D’ employees.
After discussion, it was agreed that detailed data (on a format furnished by Staff Side) from Zonal Railways will be gathered for further action on the matter.
Items listed for discussion | Items discussed | Items could not be discussed for want of time | Items finalised | Balance |
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