CGHS Wellness Centre allopathic at Imphal
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Office of the Additional Director Central Govt.Health Scheme
Nongrim Hills Shillong – 793 003
No. CGHS/ESTT/RECTG/62/114_68
Dated : Shillong, the 23 August, 2017.
Sub: Opening of a Central Govt. Health Scheme, Wellness Centre (allopathic) at Imphal
This is for information to all eligible Central Govt. employees / pensioners and other stake holders that, a Central Govt. Health Scheme (CGHS) Wellness Centre sanctioned vide Govt. of India, Min. of Health & Family Welfare, CGHS (P) Division Order No.S.11045/1/2013/HEC, New Delhi dated 17th November 2014, will be functioning by 28th August 2017 at Ground Floor, MVHA building, Wangkhei, Ningthem, Pukhri, Mapan, Imphal – 795 001 to provide comprehensive medical facilities to the beneficiaries.
The scheme will cover the Imphal city and all eligible Central Govt. employees and their dependent family members, Central Govt. pensioners and their dependents and others eligible as per CGHS guideline residing in Imphal city.
The working hours of the CGHS Wellness Centre will be from 7:30 am to 02:00 pm in all working days except Sundays & holidays.
For further information / clarification, please contact Sr. Medical Officer, in-charge, CGHS WC Imphal at 0385-2442104 / 7678335406
Additional Director
CGHS, Shillong
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