Anomaly in Pay Matrix levels of 7th CPC – PB-I

Anomaly in Pay Matrix levels of 7th CPC – PBI

Government issued Gazette Notification , following which the employees will now get the revised pay from their August salaries, but during this situation, many government employees observed many defects in the 7th pay commission pay matrix.

As per the 7th Pay Commission Revised Pay Rules 2016, 7, A (i) “the pay shall be fixed at the immediate next higher Cell in that applicable Level of the Pay Matrix”.

During increment an employee will move one step down in the same level in the pay matrix, incase employee basic pay is 18000, during increment he will be moved down to one level, and he gets increment of 18500, which means he / she get 500 rupees increment in the basic pay.





Incase if we compare with 6th CPC increment of 3%, then an employee may get difference in the actual increment (more or less than 3%)

Example 1

Basic pay 18000*3% = 540,

= 18000+540=18540

As per 7th pay commission pay matrix, increment has been fixed at 18500, so employees gets only 2.78 hike in salary

Example 2:

                                Basic pay 18500*3% = 560,


                                As per 7th pay commission pay matrix, increment has been fixed at 19100, so employees gets 3.24 hike in salary

Increments Comparison Chart for Pay Band 1 in all level

PB 1 – 5200-20200
Grade Pay 1800 1900 2000 2400 2800
Sl.No Basic Pay 3% Increment with rounded 10 Nearest Value as per Pay Matrix How much Profit / Loss Actual % in hike Basic Pay 3% Increment with rounded 10 Nearest Value as per Pay Matrix How much Loss / Profit Actual % in hike Basic Pay 3% Increment with rounded 10 Nearest Value as per Pay Matrix How much Loss / Profit Actual % in hike Basic Pay 3% Increment with rounded 10 Nearest Value as per Pay Matrix How much Loss / Profit Actual Percentage in hike Basic Pay 3% Increment with rounded 10 Nearest Value as per Pay Matrix How much Loss / Profit Actual % in hike
1 18000 18540 18500 -40 2.78 19900 20500 20500 0 3.02 21700 22360 22400 40 3.23 25500 26270 26300 30 3.14 29200 30080 30100 20 3.08
2 18500 19060 19100 40 3.24 20500 21120 21100 -20 2.93 22400 23080 23100 20 3.13 26300 27090 27100 10 3.04 30100 31010 31000 -10 2.99
3 19100 19680 19700 20 3.14 21100 21740 21700 -40 2.84 23100 23800 23800 0 3.03 27100 27920 27900 -20 2.95 31000 31930 31900 -30 2.90
4 19700 20300 20300 0 3.05 21700 22360 22400 40 3.23 23800 24520 24500 -20 2.94 27900 28740 28700 -40 2.87 31900 32860 32900 40 3.13
5 20300 20910 20900 -10 2.96 22400 23080 23100 20 3.13 24500 25240 25200 -40 2.86 28700 29570 29600 30 3.14 32900 33890 33900 10 3.04
6 20900 21530 21500 -30 2.87 23100 23800 23800 0 3.03 25200 25960 26000 40 3.17 29600 30490 30500 10 3.04 33900 34920 34900 -20 2.95
7 21500 22150 22100 -50 2.79 23800 24520 24500 -20 2.94 26000 26780 26800 20 3.08 30500 31420 31400 -20 2.95 34900 35950 35900 -50 2.87
8 22100 22770 22800 30 3.17 24500 25240 25200 -40 2.86 26800 27610 27600 -10 2.99 31400 32350 32300 -50 2.87 35900 36980 37000 20 3.06
9 22800 23490 23500 10 3.07 25200 25960 26000 40 3.17 27600 28430 28400 -30 2.90 32300 33270 33300 30 3.10 37000 38110 38100 -10 2.97
10 23500 24210 24200 -10 2.98 26000 26780 26800 20 3.08 28400 29260 29300 40 3.17 33300 34300 34300 0 3.00 38100 39250 39200 -50 2.89
11 24200 24930 24900 -30 2.89 26800 27610 27600 -10 2.99 29300 30180 30200 20 3.07 34300 35330 35300 -30 2.92 39200 40380 40400 20 3.06
12 24900 25650 25600 -50 2.81 27600 28430 28400 -30 2.90 30200 31110 31100 -10 2.98 35300 36360 36400 40 3.12 40400 41620 41600 -20 2.97
13 25600 26370 26400 30 3.13 28400 29260 29300 40 3.17 31100 32040 32000 -40 2.89 36400 37500 37500 0 3.02 41600 42850 42800 -50 2.88
14 26400 27200 27200 0 3.03 29300 30180 30200 20 3.07 32000 32960 33000 40 3.13 37500 38630 38600 -30 2.93 42800 44090 44100 10 3.04
15 27200 28020 28000 -20 2.94 30200 31110 31100 -10 2.98 33000 33990 34000 10 3.03 38600 39760 39800 40 3.11 44100 45430 45400 -30 2.95
16 28000 28840 28800 -40 2.86 31100 32040 32000 -40 2.89 34000 35020 35000 -20 2.94 39800 41000 41000 0 3.02 45400 46770 46800 30 3.08
17 28800 29670 29700 30 3.13 32000 32960 33000 40 3.13 35000 36050 36100 50 3.14 41000 42230 42200 -30 2.93 46800 48210 48200 -10 2.99
18 29700 30600 30600 0 3.03 33000 33990 34000 10 3.03 36100 37190 37200 10 3.05 42200 43470 43500 30 3.08 48200 49650 49600 -50 2.90
19 30600 31520 31500 -20 2.94 34000 35020 35000 -20 2.94 37200 38320 38300 -20 2.96 43500 44810 44800 -10 2.99 49600 51090 51100 10 3.02
20 31500 32450 32400 -50 2.86 35000 36050 36100 50 3.14 38300 39450 39400 -50 2.87 44800 46150 46100 -50 2.90 51100 52640 52600 -40 2.94
21 32400 33380 33400 20 3.09 36100 37190 37200 10 3.05 39400 40590 40600 10 3.05 46100 47490 47500 10 3.04 52600 54180 54200 20 3.04
22 33400 34410 34400 -10 2.99 37200 38320 38300 -20 2.96 40600 41820 41800 -20 2.96 47500 48930 48900 -30 2.95 54200 55830 55800 -30 2.95
23 34400 35440 35400 -40 2.91 38300 39450 39400 -50 2.87 41800 43060 43100 40 3.11 48900 50370 50400 30 3.07 55800 57480 57500 20 3.05
24 35400 36470 36500 30 3.11 39400 40590 40600 10 3.05 43100 44400 44400 0 3.02 50400 51920 51900 -20 2.98 57500 59230 59200 -30 2.96
25 36500 37600 37600 0 3.01 40600 41820 41800 -20 2.96 44400 45740 45700 -40 2.93 51900 53460 53500 40 3.08 59200 60980 61000 20 3.04
26 37600 38730 38700 -30 2.93 41800 43060 43100 40 3.11 45700 47080 47100 20 3.06 53500 55110 55100 -10 2.99 61000 62830 62800 -30 2.95
27 38700 39870 39900 30 3.10 43100 44400 44400 0 3.02 47100 48520 48500 -20 2.97 55100 56760 56800 40 3.09 62800 64690 64700 10 3.03
28 39900 41100 41100 0 3.01 44400 45740 45700 -40 2.93 48500 49960 50000 40 3.09 56800 58510 58500 -10 2.99 64700 66650 66600 -50 2.94
29 41100 42340 42300 -40 2.92 45700 47080 47100 20 3.06 50000 51500 51500 0 3.00 58500 60260 60300 40 3.08 66600 68600 68600 0 3.00
30 42300 43570 43600 30 3.07 47100 48520 48500 -20 2.97 51500 53050 53000 -50 2.91 60300 62110 62100 -10 2.99 68600 70660 70700 40 3.06
31 43600 44910 44900 -10 2.98 48500 49960 50000 40 3.09 53000 54590 54600 10 3.02 62100 63970 64000 30 3.06 70700 72830 72800 -30 2.97
32 44900 46250 46200 -50 2.90 50000 51500 51500 0 3.00 54600 56240 56200 -40 2.93 64000 65920 65900 -20 2.97 72800 74990 75000 10 3.02
33 46200 47590 47600 10 3.03 51500 53050 53000 -50 2.91 56200 57890 57900 10 3.02 65900 67880 67900 20 3.03 75000 77250 77300 50 3.07
34 47600 49030 49000 -30 2.94 53000 54590 54600 10 3.02 57900 59640 59600 -40 2.94 67900 69940 69900 -40 2.95 77300 79620 79600 -20 2.98
35 49000 50470 50500 30 3.06 54600 56240 56200 -40 2.93 59600 61390 61400 10 3.02 69900 72000 72000 0 3.00 79600 81990 82000 10 3.02
36 50500 52020 52000 -20 2.97 56200 57890 57900 10 3.02 61400 63250 63200 -50 2.93 72000 74160 74200 40 3.06 82000 84460 84500 40 3.05
37 52000 53560 53600 40 3.08 57900 59640 59600 -40 2.94 63200 65100 65100 0 3.01 74200 76430 76400 -30 2.96 84500 87040 87000 -40 2.96
38 53600 55210 55200 -10 2.99 59600 61390 61400 10 3.02 65100 67060 67100 40 3.07 76400 78700 78700 0 3.01 87000 89610 89600 -10 2.99
39 55200 56860 56900 40 3.08 61400 63250 63200 -50 2.93 67100 69120 69100 -20 2.98 78700 81070 81100 30 3.05 89600 92290 92300 10 3.01
40 56900 58610 58600 -10 2.99 63200 65100 65100 0 3.01 69100 71180 71200 20 3.04 81100 83540 83500 -40 2.96 92300 95070 95100 30 3.03

7th pay commission pay matrix table

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