7th CPC – Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Railway Pensioners
RBE No.75/2017
New Delhi,dated 28.07.2017
The Genral Manager,
All Indian Railways & Production Units
(As Per mailing list)
Sub:Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Railway Pensioners/Family Pensioners on recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission.
At present Fixed Medical Allowance is granted to the Railway pensioners/Family Pensioners residing in areas beyond 2.5 Kms of Railway Hospital/Health Unit for meeting expenditure on their day-to-day medical expenses that do not require hospitalization. Orders were issued vide Board’s letter dated 19-12-2014 (RBE No.146/2014) for enhancement of the amount of FMA from Rs.300/- to Rs.500/- per month w.e.f 19-11-2014.
2.Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission on allowance (with modifications), sanction of the President is hereby conveyed for enhancement of the amount of Fixed Medical Allowance from Rs.500/- to Rs.1000/- per month. The other terms and conditions for grant of Fixed Medical Allowance as contained in Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/I/7/1/1 dated 21-4-1999 and subsequent amendments/Clarifications issued from time to time, the last being letter No.PC-V/2010/A/Med/1 dated 19-12-2014, shall continue to be in force.
3.These orders will take effect from 01-07-2017.
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
5.Hindi version is enclosed.
Dy.Director/Pay Commission-V
Railway Board
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