Refreshment Allowance

Refreshment Allowance

This allowance is paid to players, coaches, technical officials and Railway Sports Promotion Board (RSPB) observers during National and Indian Railways’ camps and Championships, to support additional food requirements, at a uniform rate of ₹240 per day. There are demands for three fold raise in the amount of this allowance.

Analysis and Recommendations

 While Refreshment allowance is understandable for players/coaches/technical officials, it is not justified for observers of Railway Sports Promotion Board (RSPB). Therefore, since the allowance is not indexed to DA, it is recommended that Refreshment Allowance should be increased by a factor of 2.25 to ₹540 per day. The amount will rise further by 25 percent each time DA crosses 50 percent. However, the allowance will be paid only to players, coaches and technical officials.

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