GPF Module on PFMS portal
No. ITD-CGA/07/11/GPF-MIDS/Pt. File/Vol.2/163
Government of India
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Shivaji Stadium Annexe, New Delhi
Date 09 May, 2017
Subiect: GPF Module on PFMS portal
Reference is invited to this office OM. No. I-115/MF/CGA/PFMS/2014-15/716 dated 11.8.2015 and subsequent OMs regarding roll out of payment and accounting module for PAOs on PFMS portal except functionalities involved in GPF, Pension and bill processing of salaries. Presently, GPF and Pension Module and bill processing related to salary are being handled through COMPACT. it has now been decided to shift these Modules also on PFMS.
- The GPF module will have all the functionalities related to GPF like monthly schedule entry, final payment. advance withdrawal bill processing, etc. In addition to this. employee login will be provided to all GPF subscribers whenever their PAOs would been rolled on PFMS for GPF module, Employee would be able to apply on-line for change in-subscription, GPF Aadvance/withdrawal, and also would be able to view the available balance as well as Salary slip if the DDO is preparing salary through EIS module by logging in into the system.
- The DDOs will have a more active role in roll-out of GPF module on PFMS. The entire data related to GPF will have to be exported on the new system from COMPACT before starting GPF module online. For this purpose, PAOs would have to ensure that the activities listed as per Annexure 1 are completed in COMPACT before switching over the GPF on PFMS,
- The Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs (as per the list attached) are requested to direct the PAOs under their control to confirm completion of the above-mentioned activities in GPF module of COMPACT to this office
- This has the approval of competent authority.
Dy. Controller General of Accounts
Annexure I
Instructions for PAOs (Pre -requisite for shifting of GPF data from COMPACT to PFMS)
1. General/ Basic information like Name, Date of Birth,Date of joining Government Service,PAN of all GPF subscribers may be verified and updated.
2.GPF Accounts of subscribers may be made up to date with posting of GPF credit/debit data.
3.May be ebsured that no GPF bill is pending for pass and payment.
4.Voucher Incorporation from PFMS to COMPACT may be done for all bills.
5.Opening Balances of current year may be verified and interest calculation of previous year may be completed.
6.May be ensured that GPF Annual Statement of 2016-2017 has been removed before shifting to PFMS.
7. May be ensured that GPF Advance recoveries data is correct.
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