Allowance in Lieu of Kilometreage (ALK)

Allowance in Lieu of Kilometreage (ALK)

This allowance is granted to running staff of Indian Railways when they are engaged in or employed on non-running duties. The present rates are:


When such running duties are required to be performed at HQ

Equal to Pay Element of Running Allowance, i.e.,30% of Basic Pay

When such running duties are required to be performed at outstations

Granted Kilometrage Allowance on notional kilometres earned @160 km per day

The activities for which ALK is payable are given below:

  • Attending Medical examinations.
  • Journey on transfer.
  • Joining Time.
  • Refresher Courses and Training in carriage sheds.
  • Attending enquiries.
  • Attending law courts.
  • Attending as Defence Counsel.
  • Trade Union meetings.
  • Attending First Aid classes.
  • Attending Ambulance classes.
  • Taking part in Territorial Army camps.
  • Attending Staff Loan societies.
  • Attending Welfare and Debt committees.
  • Attending Sports Duties.
  • Undergoing Sterilisation operation.
  • Attending Hindi examination.
  • Guards booked on escort duties.
  • LP/ALP kept as spare for examination/cleaning engine for VIP special trains.
  • Any other duties declared in emergency as qualifying for ALK.
  • ALK @ 120 km to LPs working as Power Control/Crew Control.

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