Procrastination of staff issues – non-fulfillment of commitments by the Railway Board

Procrastination of staff issues – non-fulfilment of commitments by the Railway Board

Registration No. : RTU/Nnn/31/2012

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (lTF)

No. II/95/Part X


Shri A.K. Mital
Railway Board,

Dear Sir,

Sub: Procrastination of staff issues – non-fulfillment of commitments by the Railway Board – serious unrest prevailing among railway employees intervention requested.

Federation is constrained to bring to your kind notice that the staff in almost all categories are the dissatisfied lot due to non-redressal of their genuine grievances at Railway Board’s level as also non-fulfillment of commitments made in the formal meetings held with the Railway Board. The staff issues dealt in the fora of PNM, DC/JCM as well in sepmate meetings are continued in a stalemate position for years together without finality.

In the above context, NFIR places below the real position to impress upon the CRB that the Railway Board’s failures have been causing dissatisfaction and agony among employees in general and those in safety categories in particular:-

(a) Non-fulfillment of assurances/commitments:-

Replacement of 6th CPC GP Rs. 4600 (PB-2) with GP 4800 (PB-2) for Sr. Section Engineers and other Inspectorial/Supervi sory Offi cial s in the Railways.

Replacement of 6th CPC GP 4200/- PB-2 with GP 4600/- PB-2 for Loco Pilots (Mail/Exp).

Stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors inducted prior 01/01/2006 on remaining 6 1/2 Zones in Indian Railways. (Although SLPs have been dismissed by Apex Court, the Railway Board have twisted the matter and allowed stepping up of pay to the petitioners before Court, stating that the benefit allowed as “personam”. (This is a clear case of blatant violation of agreement reached with Federations). NFIR’s letter No.II/95/Pt. X dated 24/01/2017 to CRB and letter dated 06/02/2017 may kindly be perused. GS/NFIR met Hon’ble MR and apprised the facts. The Hon’ble MR agreed that agreement should be honoured when Member Staff was present during discussion. The Railway Board’s negative attitude
has been contributing unrest among Loco Running Staff.

Upgradation of Apex Group’C’posts to Group ‘B’ (Gaz) – 3335 posts.

Implementation of 10: 20: 20: 50 ratio for Track Maintainers in VI CPC GP 2800, 2400,1900 and 1800 respectively (7th CPC Pay Matrix levels 5, 4,2 & 1).

(b) Agreed decisions not implemented:

Manning of coaches by Ticket Checkihg Staff – Restoration of Board’s orders of 2000.

Cadre restructuring of IT cadre staff.

Implementation of norms for creation of posts of SSE (Signal) JE (Signal), Maintainer (Signal) etc.,

Merger of Senior Technicians (Signal) with JE (Signal) – NFIR PNM Item No. 14/2010.

Induction of Course Completed Act Apprentices in Safety category vacancies in GP 1800/Pay Matrix level 1.

Absorption of staff of Quasi Administrative units in Railways * Restoration of policy decision of 1973 & 1977 which was arbitrarily cancelled in the year 1997 without prior consultations with the Federations. It needs to be appreciated that quasi staffare not outsiders and IREM provisions confirm Federation’s contention.

(c) NFIR’s pending PNM Items:
Items pending since over five years    = 22
Items pending since over three years = 27
Items pending sine over two years      = 12
Total                                                           = 61

(d) DC/JCM – pending items:
Items pending since over five years    = 45
Items pending since over six years      = 09
Items pending since over seven years = 31
Total                                                            = 85

(e) Issues deliberated in the meetings of Fast Track Committee and Joint Committee (on Running Staff kilometrage rates etc.,) are continued to remain unresolved.

(f) MACPS issues numbering over 30 are pending with Railway Board since more than 3 years.

(g) Non-filling of vacancies (safety and other than safety categories) is causing deterioration of efficiency levels and health of existing staff who are heavily over burdened with work pressure.

NFIR therefore requests the CRB to kindly intervene for rectiffing the matters to restore confidenctl among staff who are extremely unhappy on non-redressal of grievances and non-implementation of agreements. Federation also conveys that further delay in sorting out the issues and implementing agreements may lead to wide spread agitation in Railways.

Yours faithfully
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

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