Meeting of Committee on Allowances held today(March 28) remained inconclusive

Meeting of Committee on Allowances held today(March 28) remained inconclusive


Dated: March 28, 2017

The General Secretaries,

All Affiliated Unions,

Dear Comrades!

Sub: Meeting of Committee on Allowances held today remained inconclusive

Meeting of Committee on Allowances took place on 28th March, 2017, discussion on Allowances remained inconclusive. Issue of House Rent Allowance didn’t come up during meeting.

I met Cabinet Secretary/GOI & urged him for early resolution of pending demands of Railwaymen that includes NPS, early disbursal of Allowances of 7th Pay Commission, Increase in Minimum wages and fitment formula. Issue of MACP was also discussed and removal of the provision of benchmark ‘Very Good’ for MACP, which has been recommended from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’ by the 7th Pay Commission, has also been demanded. Though Cabinet Secretary has given positive assurance on our demands yet we need our rank and file to be prepared for persistent struggle.

With Good Wishes!

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