Fixation of pay on promotion/upgradation after 01.01.2016:Clarification

Fixation of pay on promotion/upgradation after 01.01.2016:Clarification

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No: Pay/0/1/7th CPC/Vol-I

Dated: 28/03/2017


The Cohtroller of Finance and Accounts

Subject:Implementation of 7th CPC recommendation: Fixation of pay on promotion /upgradation after 01-01-2016: Clarification regarding.

Please find enclosed a copy of the CGDA, Delhi Cantt letter No. AT/II/2702/Clar dated 08/03/2017 on the subject mentioned above for information and necessary action please.

This issue with the approval of Controller of Accounts (Fys)

Encl: As above

Deputy Controller of Accounts (Fys)

Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam,Delhi Cantt-110010


Dated:08 March 2017

The PCA (Fys)

Subject:Implementation of 7th CPC recommendation: Fixation of pay on promotion/upgradation after 01.01.2016:Clarification regarding.

Reference:Your officer letter No Pay/O/I/7th CPC/Pay Fixation dated 16.08.2016

The issues raised in your office above mentioned letter have been examined and the following is stated

Sl.No Point of Doubt Remarks
1 Whether FR22 (I) (a) (I) still holds good in its present form with all the attendant conditions or the same has got modified on introduction of 7th CPC pay structure and if yes what is the extent of modification of above FR In this regard para 15 of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 may be referred to, which states that the provisions of Fundamental Rules shall not save as otherwise provided in ibid CCS (RP) Rules, apply to cases where pay is regulated under CCS (RP),Rules 2016 to the extent they are inconsistent with these rules.
2 Whether in case  a Govt servant promoted between the period of 2nd January and 1st July opts to get his pay foxed from the date of next increment under FR 22 (I) (a) (I), his pay in the revised pay structure will be re-fixed by giving two increment and second on account of promotion, and then placed at  a cell in the level of the post to which promoted with DNI on 1st July of next year OR only one increment on date of promotion is to be allowed in the lower level and placed at a cell in the level of promoted post with DNI on 1st January of next year The issue whether a Govt servant promoted /upgraded between the period of 2nd January and 1st July can opt to get his pay fixed from the date of next increment under FR 22 (I) (a) (1), has been taken up with MoD. Further correspondence in this regard may be awaited.
3 Mr X and MR Y BOTH WERE DRAWING BASIC PAY RS 10160/- in PB-I with Grade pay RS 2400/- as on 01.01.2016. Their revised pay under 7th CPC becomes RS 32300/- in Level 5 on 03-06-2016,accordingly his pay has been fixed at RS 33900/- in level 5.Where  Mr Y was granted MACP on 02.07.2016 in level 5 entitling him for an annual increment on 01.07.2016 to reach Rs 33300/- and then his pay on account of MACP fixed on 02.07.2016 to reach Rs 34900/-

As such though Mr X is senior to Mr Y and both officials are getting equal pay upto 02.06.2016, after revision of pay under 7th CPC the pay of Mr X becomes less than the pay of Mr Y, thus creating an anomaly.

IT is viewed that the anomaly has been arisen due to the fact that both the officials have opted to enter the 7th CPC on 01.01.2016.If MR X opts to enter 7th CPC on the date of his increment, i.e., 01.07.2016, he would get two increments in the lower level of pre-revised structure and then his pay will be revised under 7th CPC  to reach at Rs 35900/- as under and the anomaly would not arise. However , as the issue as to whether a Govt  servant prompted /upgraded between the period of 2nd January and 1st July can opt to get his pay fixed from the date of next increment under FR 22 (I) (a) (1), has been taken up with MoD, the clarification/guidance from MoD may be awaited.

(Vinod Anand)

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