Brief of the Meeting Held today with Hon’ble MR -(AIRF)

Brief of the Meeting Held today with Hon’ble MR -(AIRF)


Dated: March 17, 2017

The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,

Dear Comrades!

Sub: Brief of the meeting held today with Hon’ble MR

A meeting was held today with Honble Minister for Railways in the Parliament House, on the issue of withdrawal of Railway Board’s orders dated 30.01.2017, in a very cordial manner, wherein Honble MR assured the federations that, he would take decision in this regard at his own. Hon’ble Minister for Railways has also called a meeting in this regard on 21/22 March, 2017.

Though this meeting may go on, you are advised to hold demonstrations, dharnas, gate meetings etc. at the Divisional and Extra Divisional Offices in a befitting manner.

We are also getting reports of 16th March, 2017 agitational programmes from our affiliates in the Railway Zones, which are quite encouraging, and we hope, the same enthusiasm will continue.

Comradely yours,

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary

Signed Copy

Source : AIRF

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