Revision of provisional pension sanctioned under Rule 69 of the CCS(Pension) Rules,1972.

Revision of provisional pension sanctioned under Rule 69 of the CCS(Pension) Rules,1972.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Dopartment of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi—110001
Dated the 4th January 2017

The Chief Secretaries of all the
State Governments and UTs.

Subject: Revision of provisional pension sanctioned under Rule 69 of the CCS(Pension) Rules,1972.
I am directed to refer to the Department of Pension and Pensioner Welfare’s OM No,38/49/2016.P& PW(A) dated 30th November, 2016 copy enclosed.) regarding “Revision of provisional pension”.

2.         The applicability of the provisions Of the aforesaid OM regarding grant of Provisional Pension sanctioned under Rule 69 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 has been considered by this Department and it has been decided to make the provisions of the aforesaid Office Memorandum of Department of Pension and Pensioner Welfare regarding “Revision of provisional pension” applicable, mutatis-mutandis, to the All India Service Pensioners to whom provisional pension was sanctioned under Rule 69 of All India Service(Death-Cum-Retirement-Benefits), Rules, 1958.

Yours faithfully
(Rajesh kumar Yadav)
Under Secretary to Government of India
Tel. No. 23094714

Goverrunent of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

3 rd Floor, Lok Nayak. Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi .
New Delhi, the 30th November, 2016

Office Memorandum

Sub:- Revision of provisional pension sanctioned under Rule 69 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972

               The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Government’s decision on the recommendations of Seventh Pay Commission, orders for revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners w.e.f. 1.1.2016 have been issued on 4.8.2016.

2.           The following categories of pensioners arc drawing provisional pension under Rule-69 of the CCS (Pension) Rules based on their pre-revised pay/pension:-

                (i) Retired before 1.1.2016 and sanctioned provisional pension under Rule-69 of the CCS (Pension) Rules on account of departmental/judicial proceedings or

              (ii) Suspended before 1.1.2016 and sanctioned provisional pension under Rule-69 of the CCS (Pension) Rules on retirement on or after 1.1.2016.

3.         The provisional pension sanctioned in the above cases may be revised in the normal course in accordance with the instructions contained in this Department’s OM No.38/37/2016-P&PW(A)(ii) dated- 4.8.2016 issued for revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners.

4.        This issues with the approval of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance ID No.1(21)/EV/2016 dated 24.11.2016.
Hindi version will follow.

(Harjit Singh)

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