AIRF Will Never Accept Hitlerism Of Railway Board
Dated: February 2, 2017
Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu,
Hon’ble Minister for Railways,
Ministry of Railways,
Rail Bhawan,
New Delhi
Respected Sir,
Sub: Measures to improve safety on Indian Railways – Protests against the move of the Railway Board
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.2017/E(LR)III/Ref./RB/1 dated 30.01.2017
You may appreciate that, All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), being oldest and largest organizations of the Railwaymen in India, established in the British Era, is a totally responsible and matured trade union organization. AIRF and its affiliated unions, spread over the Indian Railways in all the Zonal Railways and Production Units and other units, are fully conscious about the Railway Safety. We have always stood to the occasion by organizing Safety Workshops/Seminars etc. at different levels whenever it was felt that safety of the Railways is impaired. It is, however, a setback to this organization that, Ministry of Railways have issued directions to the General Managers of all the Zonal Railways, laying under para 4 that, “Supervisors working in Safety Categories in the erstwhile Grade Pay of Rs.4200 and above should not be office-bearers of trade union after 31.03.2017”, which is highly unfair and uncalled for.
As you are aware that, trade unions are governed by the Indian Trade Union Act 1926, amended from time to time, which elaborately prescribes formation of the unions and enrolment of union members and elections of the union office-bearers at different levels without any upper limit of pay for non-gazetted staff. There is, therefore, serious discontentment and resentment amongst our rank and file throughout the Indian Railways.
In the light of the foregoing, I take this privilege to request your good-self to personally intervene in the matter so as to withdraw Railway Board’s letter supra dated 30.01.2017 forthwith in the larger interest of industrial harmony.
With Kind Regards!
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