PCDA Circular C-159 Revision of disability Pension of Pre-2016 disability Pensioners / Family Pensioners
Circular No.C-159
Dated: – 07.12.2016
Subject :– Implementation of Govt’s decisions on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission-Revision of disability Pension of Pre-2016 disability Pensioners / Family Pensioners – Clarification regarding.
Reference: – This office important circular no. C-153, bearing no. G1 /C/ 0199 /Vol-I/Tech, dated
12th August 2016.
Attention is invited to above cited circular wherein instructions had been issued for implementation of GO], Ministry of P, PG and Pension, Deptt. of P&PW OM No. 38/ 37/ 2016- P&PW (A) (ii) dated 4th August, 2016. As per Para 4.1 of the ibid OM dated 4.8.16, the existing pension/family pension is to be multiplied by 2.57 and the amount of revised pension/family pension so arrived at shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee. As per Para 4.4 of the OM, it was indicated that the upper ceiling of so revised pension/family pension will be 50% and 30% respectively of the highest pay in the Government, i.e. Rs. 2,50,000
2. A doubt was raised whether the above ceiling would also be applicable to disability pension/ family pension under CCS (EOP) Rules, after revision in terms of Para 4.1 of OM dated 04.08.2016. Now GOI, DP&PW have clarified in their OM No. 1/4/2016-P&PW (F), dated 11th November 2016 that “the ceiling of pension/family pension indicated in Para 4.4 of DP&PW OM dated 04.08.2016 referred to above is applicable only in the case of pension/family pension under CCS [Pension] Rules and will not apply in the case of disability Pension/family pension under CCS (EOP) Rules.
A copy of GOI, DP&PW OM NO. 1/4/2016-P&PW (F), dated 11.11.16 is enclosed which may be kept in View while disposing the cases of revision of disability pension / family pension under CCS (EOP) Rules in terms of OM dated 4th August, 2016.
(Dr. Upinder bir Singh)
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