One Rank One Pension
Government had appointed a Judicial Committee headed by Justice L. Narasimha Reddy, retired Chief Justice of Patna High Court on 14.12.2015, to look into anomalies, if any, arising out of implementation OROP.
The Terms of Reference for the Committee is as under:
To examine and make recommendations on references received from the Central Government on the following matters:
- · Measures for the removal of anomalies that may arise in implementation of the OROP letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol)/ Part-II dated 07.11.2015.
- Measures for the removal of anomalies that may arise out of inter-service issues of the three forces due to implementation of OROP order ibid.
- Implications on service matters.
- Any other matter referred by the Central Government on implementation of the OROP or related issues. In making its recommendations, the Committee shall take into account the financial impact of its recommendations.
The Committee has submitted its report on 26.10.2016 which is under examination. During the Financial year 2016-17, a sum of Rs. 12456 crore has been provided for expected expenditure on account of One Rank One Pension (OROP).
The status of payment to the Defence Pensioners/ Family Pensioners on account of implementation of OROP benefits, as on 03.11.2016 are as under:
Out of 20,63,529 pensioner beneficiaries, 1,27,561 Defence Pensioners/Family Pensioners are yet to get the benefits of OROP. Public Grievance Cell in the Department is receiving grievances of the pensioners/family pensioners and taking up the matters with the concerned Department for redressal of their grievances. Disposal of grievances is monitored at the highest level in the Government.
This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Dr. Subhash Bhamre in a written reply to Shri Alok Sanjar and others in Lok Sabha today.
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