28th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA)

28th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA)

Government Of India
Ministry Of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of pension & Pensioners Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110 003
Date: 08th August 2016


All the Pensioners Associations included in SCOVA
vide Resolution dated 25.08.2015

Subject: Minutes of the 28th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) – reg.

Please find enclosed herewith a copy of minutes of the 28th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held on 27th June, 2016 under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MoS(PP) at Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi for your kind perusal and neccessary action.

Encl: As above

Yours faithfully

(Sujasha Choudhury)
Director (P)

Minutes of the 28th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held on 27.06.2016 under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) at Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi.

List of participants is at Annexure-I

At the outset, Secretary (P&PW) welcomed the representatives of Pensioners Associations and the participating officers from various Ministries/Departments. Secretary (P&PW) desired that the Ministries/Departments should depute the concerned Joint Secretaries for the SCOVA meeting, as issues being discussed were of important nature.

2. Secretary further desired that a separate meeting be called with Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare, CGDA,PCDA(P) and Defence Pensioners Associations who are members of SCOVA to resolve issues/grievances pertaining to Defence Pensioners.

3. Thereafter, the Action Taken Report on the decisions of the 27th SCOVA meeting and Fresh Agenda Items of the 28th SCOVA meeting were taken up for discussion.

4. Discussion on ATR of 27th SCOVA meeting:-

(i). Revision of PPOs of Pre-2006 Pensioners.

CPAO intimated that 5035 PPOs are yet to be revised. Out of these, 75% of the cases pertain to the pre-90 pensioners details for which are not available with the Ministries/Departments/P AOs. The list of such pensioners has been provided to the Banks/Ministries/Departments. Details of such pensioners are also available on the website. CPAO requested the Pensioners Associations to reach out to the pensioners and co-operate in the process. Secretary(P&PW) asked CPAO to take up the matter once again with banks and concerned Departments/Ministries for early revision of PPOs.

Ministry of Defence has shown Nil pendency. One of the Pensioners Association from Ambarnath has said that most of the retirees have not get their revised PPOs and that PCDA(P), Allahabad is not acknowledging their reminders. Secretary(P&PW) asked representatives of CGDA to hold a meeting of pensioners and officers of PCDA(P), Allahabad in Allahabad to assess the situation and report outcome to DoPPW.

Ministry of Railways has shown Nil pendency. One of the Pensioner Association informed that format of DoPPW is not being followed in the PPOs issued by Ministry of Railways and pay scale and last pay drawn by the pensioner is not being indicated therein Secretary(P&PW) directed the representatives of Ministry of Railways to ensure that the prescribe format is adhered to .

Department of Telecom informed that 42 more PPOs have been revised. In remaining cases no records are available with the Department.

All organizations were asked to take all steps to complete the revision process in the next month and close the issue finally as we have now to get ready for revision based on 7th CPC recommendations.

Secretary (P&PW) further directed that all must put in place system for generation of electronic PPOs. DoPPW will soon suggest target dates for these.

(Action: CPAO, Ministry Of Defence, Ministry of Railways and Department of Telecom)

(ii) Health Insurance Scheme for Pensioners including those residing in non-CGHS area.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that a draft EFC Memo was circulated by them but only DoPPW have furnished comments on this Draft EFC Memo. The comments/views from other Ministries/Departments are still awaited so that the Final EFC Memo could be circulated by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare .. Secretary (P&PW) asked all the concerned Departments to furnish comments on Draft EFC Memo within a week.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was also requested to consider the request of Disabled War Veterans(India), New Delhi to include Prosthesis in the Insurance cover.

(Action: Ministry Of Health and Family Welfare)

(iii) Special ‘Higher’ family pension for the widows of disabled pensioners who have invalided out of services.

Ministry of Defence informed that the proposal was examined in consultation with the Department of Expenditure and the latter did not agree to the same. Disabled War Veterans(India), New Delhi, informed that the number of disabled pensioners who are likely to be bene fitted by the proposal, is much less than that projected by Ministry of Defence to Department of Expenditure. According to the pensioner association, the proposal was interpreted by MoD to include all widows of disabled whereas the proposal was only for war wounded personnel widows invalided out of service. Secretary(P&PW) directed Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare to have a relook at the issue. Department of Expenditure mentioned that they would have reconsider the matter if the proposal is sent by Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare again.

(Action: Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare)

(iv) Extension of CGHS facilities to P&T Pensioners.

The representatives of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the 7th CPC has recommended that all Postal Dispensaries should be covered with CGHS. It was decided to await the decision of the Government on this recommendation.

(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)

(v). Anomaly in fixation of pension to DoT employees absorbed in BSNL who retired between 01.10.2000 and 31.07.2001.

It was mentioned by Department of Telecom that based on a formulation suggested by Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare, the file was referred to Department to Expenditure for their approval/decision. Department of Expenditure has sought some further details from Department of Telecom. DoT was asked to expedite the information to ensure that the matter is resolved within a month.

(Action: Department of Telecom)

(vi). Merger of 78.2% IDA with basic pension benefit to absorbed BSNL pensioners.

The Department of Telecom informed that the proposal has already been submitted for approval of the Cabinet.

(Action: Department of Telecom)

(vii). Extension of benefit of up-graded Grade Pay to pre-2006 retirees of S-12 grades ( Issue of grant of grade pay of Rs. 4600/- instead of Rs. 4200/-) .

DOT informed that in few cases where the CAT has directed grant of the benefit of Grade pay of Rs.4600 to the pre 2006 pensioners retired from the pre revised pay scale of Rs.6500 – 10500/-, the orders of CAT have been implemented consequent on dismissal of appeal filed in the High Court. Department of Expenditure had not however agreed to extension to grant of this benefit to all similarly placed pre 2006 pensioners. Department of Expenditure was requested to reconsider this issue keeping in view the orders of various courts and the Contempt Petitions filed in CAT, Bangalore Bench in this respect. Department of Telecom was asked to follow up with Department of Expenditure to ensure that the matter is resolved expeditiously.

(Action:- Department of Telecom and Department of Expenditure)

(viii). Extension of benefit of OM dated 28.01.2013 w.e.f 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012 (Revision of disability pension/family pension under EOP Rules)

The benefit has been extended to the pre-2006 disability pensioners vide DoPPW OM No. 45/3/2008-P&PWCF) dated 29.04.2016. Hence, the item was closed.

(ix) Issues relating to CGHS:-

(A) Opening of CGHS Dispensary at Srinagar.

(B) Provision of additional doctors at CGHS Wellness Centre Jammu and Computerisation of Jammu Wellness Centre.

In respect of CA), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that feasibility of shifting one of the two dispensaries in Jammu Region to Srinagar was examined but was not agreed to. A proposal for opening of a new dispensary at Srinagar is under consideration. Hence the item may be closed.

In respect of CB),Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the 2 doctors have been posted at Jammu Wellness Centre and computerization has also been completed. This item may, therefore, be closed.

(x). Extension of CGHS facilities to retired BSNL employees- Issue of follow up orders by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and fixation of rates of contribution and ward entitlement by Department of Telecom .

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that a meeting was held with Department of Telecom and it was decided that Department of Telecom will mention the equivalent Basic Pay and Grade Pay as per Central Dearness AllowanceCCDA) Scale also corresponding to Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA) Scale, in the PPO issued to BSNL pensioners getting pension from Central Civil Estimates. This will enable CGHS in deciding rate of contributions and ward entitlement for issue of CGHS cards to the eligible BSNL/MTNL pensioners. The item was closed.

(xi). Extension of the benefits of DOPPW OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 28.01.2013 read with OM dated 30.07.2015 to pre-2006 pensioners with less than 33 years of service.

The orders in this regard have been issued by DoPPW vide OM No. 38/37/08- P&PW(A) dated 06.04.2016. Ministry of Railways informed that they have also issued orders for the implementation of DoPPW OM dated 06.04.2016.0ne of the Pensioners Association said that the Ministry of Defence has not issued corresponding orders for Defence pensioners. Secretary(P&PW) asked Ministry of Defence to take a decision in the matter expeditiously.

Karnataka P & T Pensioners Association mentioned that the Karnataka Postal Circle has issued revised authority in implementation of OMs dated 30.07.2015 and 06.04.2016 and thanked the concerned authorities for the swift action in this respect. The item may be closed.

(xii). Opening/Extension of Dispensaries at following stations:

(A) Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali.
(B) Repair of Ambarnath Wellness Centre.

In respect of (A), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that due to resource constraints it is not feasible to open new dispensaries at these stations. Hence the item was closed.

In respect of (B), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the renovation/repair work of Ambarnath Wellness Centre is in progress and is likely to be completed in 3 months. Hence the item was closed.

(xiii). Issues relating to CGHS Dispensary at Dehradun, Uttrakhand;-

(A) Regular appointment of Grp C & D Staff.
(B) Opening of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic and Sidda Dispensary.
(C) Delegation of power of Additional Director(CGHS) at Dehradun to sanction Medical Reimbursement Claims(MRCs)

In respect of (A), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that action for appointment of regular staff had already been initiated. Secretary(P&PW) asked the department to complete the process of recruitment of regular staff quickly. The item was closed

In respect of (B), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the proposal has not been agreed to due to resource constraints. The item was closed.

In respect of (C), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the powers of DDO has already been delegated to Additional Director, Dehradun. One of the Pensioners Association mentioned that there is lack of subordinate staff under Additional Director for processing of medical bills. In response to this Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the MRCs are being processed electronically. Therefore, not much subordinate staff under Addl. Director is needed for this purpose. The item was closed.

(xiv). Supreme Court Judgement in CA No. 11527 (Arising out of SLP No:- 11684 of 2012) regarding recovery of wrongful/excess payment from employees/pensioners.

It was informed that instructions in this regard have been issued by DoPT vide OM No.18/03/2015-Estt(Pay-I) dated 02.03.2016. Hence the item was closed.

5. Discussion on Fresh Agenda Items of 28th SCOVA meeting.

(28.1) One time option to CGHS beneficiaries to choose their ward entitlement based on their Pay in Pay band.

The Pensioners Association mentioned that due to change in norms based on payband/grade-pay after 6th CPC, those who had opted for ward entitlement on the basis of their pension before 20.05.2009 would be at a disadvantageous position. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that there would be no change in the ward entitlement of those pensioners who had made life time contribution before 20.05.2009.
Therefore, there was no need to allow one time option for re-determination of ward entitlement based on notional pay in this revised pay structure after 6th CPe. The item was closed.

(28.2) Issues relating to CGHS Wellness Centre, Dehradun

(A) Posting of two doctors at CGHS Milan Vihar.

(B) Appointment of. specialist/super specialist i.e Cardiologist, ENT, Eye and Gynecologist for limited hours a week.

(C) Action Taken on recommendations of Committee of Officials of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and DoPPW which visited Dehradun on 28.08.2014 is not known.

(D) Merger of Survey of India Dispensary in CGHS on the same line as P&T Dispensary.

In respect of CA),Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that doctors are posted at Milan Vihar Wellness Centre as per sanctioned strength. One contractual doctor has been engaged against vacant post. The item was closed.

In respect of CB),Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that there is no provision for posting of Specialists/Super Specialists at any of the CGHS Wellness Centre located in the country. The beneficiaries of Dehradun Wellness Centre may avail this facility through Government hospitals in Dehradun. The item was closed.

In respect of CC), one of the Pensioners Association i.e Government Pensioners Association, Dehradun requested Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to provide report of the Committee of the officials of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and DoPPW that visited Dehradun on 28.08.2014. Secretary CP&PW) asked DoPPW to provide a copy of the report of the Association. The item was closed.

In respect of CD),Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that there is no proposal for merger of the dispensaries of Survey of India with CGHS was under consideration in the Ministry. Secretary CP&PW) asked Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to examine the issue in consultation with the Survey of India, particularly in view of the recommendation of the 7th CPC for convergence of medical facilities available with various departments of Central Government.

(Action: Ministry Of Health and Family Welfare)

(28.3) Issues related to CGHS Wellness Centre, Noida:-

(A) The computers, printers, waters coolers, generators etc are not in proper workable condition. Also there is no AMC for any item.

(B) Funds for maintenance of CGHS Wellness Centre Building are allotted late to CPWD. The maintenance of dispensary starts in October/November whereas the funds are allotted for whole financial year.

(C) There are vacant posts at every level. It is requested to fill these vacant posts soon.

In respect of CA),Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the all the equipments at Noida CGHS Wellness Centre are in workable condition and there was also an arrangement of AMC of these equipments.

In respect of CB),Ministry of Health and Family Welfare mentioned that it will be ensured that the process for approval of funds is completed timely.

In respect of CC), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare mentioned that sufficient number of doctors and staff is already posted at Noida Wellness Centre.

Pensioners Association from Noida expressed their gratitude towards work done by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Hence, the items were closed

(28.4) Conversion of Postal Dispensary at Cantt. Road, Cuttack to CGHS Wellness Centre.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare representative informed that 7th CPC has recommended merger of all Postal Dispensaries with CGHS. It was decided to await the decision of the Government on this recommendation.

(Action :- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)

(28.5) Stoppage of Recovery of wrongful/excess payments from Railways pensioners.

Ministry of Railways informed they have issued instructions for adopting orders issued by DoPT in this regard. One of the Pensioners Association informed that the recoveries are being made from Railway pensioners in spite of the instructions issued by the Government in pursuance of the Supreme Court orders. Secretary(P&PW) advised the Railway Board to resolve this issue by holding a meeting with the concerned Pensioners Associations.

(Action:- Ministry of Railways)

(28.6) Full pension to pre-2006 pensioners with less than 33 years of service.

Joint Secretary(P&PW) informed that the orders in this regard have already been issued by DoPPW vide its OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 06.04.2016.The item was closed.

(28.7) Delay in commencement of family pension to spouse on death of Pensioners.

It was informed that the orders in this regards have been issued by the DoPPW vide its OM dated 1/2712011-P&PW(E) dated 20.09.2013.

CPAO informed that the instructions have been issued by them also on 02.06.2016 and 14.06.2016 to the banks. CPAO also informed that there is lack of communication between bank branches and CPPCs. Jt. Secretary (P&PW) asked CPAO to take monthly reports from CPPCs of all banks.

(Action:- CPAO)

(28.8) Payment of (i) Restoration of commutation amount and (i) Additional Pension on attaining the age of 80 years should be streamlined by the Banks.

It was informed that there is an inbuilt mechanism in the software of all the banks for automatic restoration of commutation and payment of additional pension on attaining 80 years of age.

Secretary(P&PW) asked CPAO to obtain reports from the Banks to check whether restoration of commutation amount and payment of additional pension to old pensioners is being done automatically and in time.

(Action:- CPAO)

6. Concluding the session, Hon’ble MOS(PP) said that the Pensioners Associations have a platform to express their views in SCOV A and in turn the Government benefits from the views of the Association.. Since the population of retired people is gradually increasing, the expertise, skill and time of the elders should be put to good use. Recently, Prime Minister has introduced’ Anubhav’ which showcases outstanding work done by the retiring employee that contributed to the efficiency, economy and effectiveness in Government functioning. He further stated that over a period of time this will create a wealth of information, institutional memory and innovative ideas and will motivate employees.

A scheme to award best write-ups under ‘Anubhav’ would motivate retiring employees to give better write-ups. He requested the officers of all the Ministries/Departments to meet Pensioners regularly. He complemented pensioners for the initiatives taken during ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan’. He mentioned the Departmental initiatives like Sankalp and Pre-retirement Counselling (PRC) workshops launched for the benefit of retiring people. Aadhaar seeding is not mandatory. However, ‘Jeevan Pramaan’ has proved to be a boon for the pensioners. The Hon’ble MOS(PP) made a special reference to “Bhavishya”, which has introduced transparency and accountability into the pension sanction and payment process, helped in eliminating delays and bring satisfaction to the retiring employees and pensioners. He stated that the Department would soon cover all DDOs under the Central Civil Ministries, so that all retiring employees could benefit from the facility.

28th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA)

27th June, 2016, vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi.

List of Participants





Dr. litendra Singh

Hon’ble Minister of State (Personnel, PG & Pensions) as Chairman, SCOVA


Shri Chirravuri Viswanath

Secretary (P&PW) as Convener & Member Secretary, SCOV A


Officers/Officials of Department of Pension & pensioners Welfare

S. No.




Ms. Vandana Sharma

Joint Secretary(P)


Shri Harjit Singh

Deputy Secretary(PP)


Ms. Sujasha Choudhury

 Deputy Secretary (P)


Ms. Seema Gupta

Deputy Secretary(PW)


Shri S Chakrabarti

 Under Secretary (B)


Shri Manoj Kumar

Under Secretary (RTI)


Shri D.K.Solanki

Under Secretary (E)


Shri A.K.Singh

Under Secretary(Admn-I)


Ms, Deepa Anand

Under Secretary (D)


Shri Charanjit Taneja

Under Secretary (G & Admn-Il)


Shri T.C. Varghese

Section Officer (F)


Shri Rajesh Kumar

Section Officer (Admn-Il)


Ms. Kiran Batra

Section Officer & DDO


Ms. N Prasanna

Section Officer (Admn-I)


Shri Dhananjay Prasad

Singh Section Officer (E)


Shri Prashant Gupta

Section Officer (A)


Shri Prem Kumar

Sr. Consultant


Shri H.S.Toki



Shri Rajan lohari



Shri S.P.Kakkar



Shri Rajeev Kumar

Scientific Officer (NIC)


Annexure- I

28th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA)

27th June, 2016, Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi.

List of Participants – Ministry /Departments



Name of Representative


Ministry Of Railways

1. Shri Sunil Kumar, Director/E(W)

2. Ms. Vaidehi Gopal, 1r. Dir(Fin)

3. Shri V. Prakash, 1t. Direcotr (A)


Department of Personnel and Training


1. Shri Devesh Chaturvedi, 1t. Secretary


Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

1. Dr. D.C 1oshi, Director(CGHS(P)

2. Ms. Bindu Tiwari, Direcotr(CGHS)


Department of Expenditure

1. Shri Amarnath Singh, Deputy Secretary


Department of Posts

1. Shri S. Dashora, DDG(Estt)

2. Shri Rajnish Kumar 1enaw, DDG(PAF)


Department of Telecom

1.Shri S.K.Jain, DDG

2.Shri T.L.Yaden DDG (Accs)


Department of Ex -Servicemen Welfare

1. Shri T.R.Singal, Deputy Secretary



1. Shri Ajay Mishra, 1t. CODA

2. Shri Awadesh Kr. Srivastav, AAO



1. Shri Sanjai Singh, Chief Controller(P)


Department of Financial Services

1. Shri Gulab Singh, Deputy Secretary


Annexure – I

28th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA)

27th June, 2016, Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi.

List of Participants – Pensioners Association

S. No.

Pensioners Association

Name of Representative


Air Force Association


Shri R. Chopra



N.F. Railway Pensioners Association, Guwahati, Assam

Shri S. M . Kanjilal


Central Government Pensioners Association, Jaipur Shri Rajasthan

S.K.Sharma , Shri S.KJaiswal



Central Govt. Pensioners Welfare Association, Noida


Shri A.K.Nauriyal



Tamil nadu Ex-Services League, Tamil nadu


Nb. Sub. V.S.Rajagopal



Disabled War Veterans(India)


Col H.N.Handa



Association of Retired Officers of IA & ID, Chandigarh


Shri G.S. Pathania



All India Central Govt. Pensioners Association, Jalandhar


Shri K.R.Badhan



Karnataka Posts & Telecom Pensioners Association, Bangaluru, Karnataka

Shri K.B Krishnarao



Central Govt. Pensioners Association “Pension Kendra”, Thrissur, Kerala


Shri G. Saharajan Nair



All India Central Govt. Pensioners Association, Cuttack, Orissa


Shri J K Acharya



Kendriya Nivrutta Karmachari Mandal “Shiva Suman”, Gujarat


Shri S.DJunnarkar



Government Pensioners Association, Dehradun


Shri N.D. Dobriyal,

Shri O.P.Bhatt


Central Govt. Pensioners Welfare Association, Ambarnath, Maharashtra


Shri B.K.Ray


Uttarpara Central Govt. Pensioners Association, Hooghly, West Bengal


Shri Kamalesh Bose.


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