Instructions regarding applying for GPRA under Ladies Pool
No.12035/10/84-Pol.II (Vol. II)
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhawan,
New Delhi-110 108.
Dated the 5th May, 2016
Subject:Instructions for applicants applying for General Pool residential accommodation (GPRA) under Lady Officers’ Pool.
As per the provisions of SR 317-B-8 of the Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Rules, 1963, ‘Lady Officers Pool’ is maintained separately for allotment of GPRA to married lady officers and single lady officers in the ratio of 2:1.`Married lady officer’ means a lady officer whose marriage is subsisting and who is not judicially separated from her husband. All other women employees fall in single lady
officer category.
2. But, it has been observed in many cases that at the time of applying in DE-II Form, a single lady officer apply under single lady category but after marriage of her, do not update her status in DE-II Form and gets accommodation in single lady officer category despite being married. This allotment violates the existing provisions of theAllotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Rules, 1963.
3. Therefore, it is to inform that the following instructions should be followed strictly by the applicants applying under Lady Officers Pool and also by the Nodal Officer of the office of the applicant:-
a) The personal information furnished in DE-II Form by a woman employee has to be verified by the office of the applicant as to whether the employee is married or single at the time of submission of the Form as well as at the
time of acceptance of allotment of GPRA.
b) A single lady officer should update her records in DE-II Form as soon as she gets married and she will be included in the waiting list of married Lady Officers for the eligible type of accommodation and will get allotment of GPRA from married Lady Officer quota only. In case, a Lady Officer is found to have suppressed information of her marriage and gets an allotment of GPRA from single Lady Officer quota, the allotment shall be cancelled and appropriate action shall be taken as per rules.
(Swarnali Banerjee)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)
(2306 2505)
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