Make 8th January 2016 strike a total success – AIBEA
Central Office: “PRABHAT NIVAS” Regn. No.2037
Singapore Plaza, 164, Linghi Chetty Street, Chennai-600001
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CIRCULAR No.27/141/2015/52
Dear Comrades,
Make 8th January 2016 strike a total success – massively associate yourselves against the naked attacks on bipartism in Associate Banks.
Further to our Circular dated 14-12-2015, we have duly served the notice on IBA and all Bank managements about our call for strike on 8th January, 2016 against the violation of bipartite settlement, negation of collective bargaining and repudiation of our hard-won trade union rights by the managements of Associate Banks at the behest of SBI. We desired to resolve the issues through bilateral discussions and that is why on two occasions we deferred the strike call. But our hopes have been belied. Associate Banks’ managements and SBI feel that they are masters on their own.
They do not want to respect Bipartite Settlement. They do not care for collective bargaining. They seem to be not subject to any reasoning or rationale except their whims. They seem to be more interested in confrontation than dialogue and resolution. They persist with the violations. They insist on CPS. They are not bothered about existing settlements that subsist. They do want to desist from their wrongful decisions. Hence revival of the agitation has been forced on us. That is why the call for All India Bank Strike on 8th January, 2016.
Instead of utilizing dialogue and discussion to resolve the issues, the managements are in aggravation mode. One by one, the managements have gone ahead with their unilateral actions. Offer letters under CPS have been served on the employees in the Associate Banks. As expected, employees are spontaneously and massively rejecting the offer. But the managements are bent on moving in their own way. IBA’s attitude is also lukewarm and IBA appears to be a spectator instead of interfering in the matter and advising the Associate Banks to adhere to the bipartite settlement. That is why we have to show our strong resentment and observe the strike successfully.
March on comrades, move with your exemplary unity; resolutely manifest your solidarity; Strike with your traditional militancy. Make the strike a total success in all the Banks and in all States
With greetings,
Yours Comradely
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