AIBOA extends solidarity to the STRIKING WORKFORCE on 08.01.2016
Circular letter No. 15/VI/2015
December 28, 2015
Dear comrades,
An unfair deal by SBI management AIBOA extends solidarity to the STRIKING WORKFORCE on 08.01.2016
State Sector Bank Employees’ Association [SSBEA] had observed a strike call on 04.06.2015 in five associate Banks [ie] State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Travancore against the SBI management’s attitude in handling the IR issues hurting the time tested approach of redressal grievance mechanism.
Having experienced the rigid approach of SBI management, the second strike for 2 days was announced on 1st and 2nd December 2015 and the workmen workforce in Public Sector Banks have decided to extend support through solidarity strike on 02.12.2015. Representatives of Labour Ministry advised both parties in the conciliation meeting held at Delhi to resolve the issues through mutual discussions and resultantly the two days strike was deferred. SSBEA had a round of discussion with SBI management on 03.12.2015. The management maintained their stand in the negotiation.
SBI management disregarded the bipartite negotiation and also the sensitive issues involved. The end result of their action is the announcement of strike action on 08.01.2016 by AIBEA men and women throughout the country.
AIBOA, known for its stand right from inception, calls upon the officers not to do any clerical work in all the offices and make the solidarity strike on 08.01.2016 a resounding one.
Altering the working conditions is unjust
Rights cannot be bartered away
Bipartite can not be bypassed.
AIBOA extends total solidarity to the entire workforce in Public Sector Banks in realising the demands.
Yours comradely,
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