Committee of Secretaries is being Constituted to consider the 7th CPC recommendations
39-A. North Block. New Delhi-110001
November 21. 2015
Dear Sir.
The Report of the 7th Central Pay Commission was submitted to the Government on 19.11.2015. A COPY of the Report is placed on the website of Ministry of Finance (
2. The process to examine the recommendations of the Commission has to commence immediately. An Empowered Committee of Secretaries chaired by cabinet Secretary is being constituted to consider the recommendations in its entirety and after considering the views of all the Departments as well as the Staff Associations and JCM. An implementation Cell is also being created In this Ministry to process the recommendations based on the views of the Ministries/Departments , Staff Associations and JCM for submitting the matter for consideration of the empowered Committee of Secretaries and thereafter for approval of the Cabinet based on the conclusions arrived at by the Empowered Committee of Secretaries.
3. Thus, the process to consider the, recommendations before it reaches a final shape for approval of the Cabinet requires consultation amongst all the Ministries/Departments who may formulate their opinion based on the views of Staff Associations under their administrative control.
Understanding the important Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission
4. Accordingly. it is requested that the following action may be taken on an urgent basis in your Department:
(i) A Nodal Officer at the level of a Joint Secretary may be nominated immediately. Whom the implementation Cell in this Ministry would be interacting with during the course of processing of the recommendations
(ii) The recommendations of the Commission may be examined in regard to issues concerning your Department and the views thereon may be furnished to this Ministry within three weeks.
(iii)The recommendations of the Commission may be examined in regard Posts/Cadre/service/ organization under your Department and the views thereon may be furnished to this Ministry within three weeks.
(iv) While formulating the views of your Department, the comments, if any of any of the recognized Staff Associations under the administrative control of your Department. may also be obtained and taken into account.
(v) In case your Department has any view on any of the recommendations contained in the Report, even though it may not directly pertain to your Department, may also be furnished under a separate category within three weeks.
(vi) In case you have any other suggestion to make in this regard, the same will be appreciated.
5. I request you, accordingly to kindly ensure that the action on the above points is given utmost priority and the same is completed within the stipulated timeline of three weeks.
With warm regards.
Yours sincerely.
(Annie G Mathew)
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