7th Pay Commission Report on Group X Pay

7th Pay Commission Report on Group X Pay

Group ‘X’ Pay

Group ‘X’ pay for JCOs/ORs and equivalent has been sought to be enhanced by fourtimes from the existing rate of ₹1,400 per month. In the context of change in nature of warfare the requirement of a higher technological threshold has been emphasised by the Services.

Analysis and Recommendations

The Commission has taken due note of the emphasis being placed on skilled manpower with higher educational and technological thresholds. While determining X pay for X group of JCOs/ORs the VI CPC considered the relativity of some of the grades of JCOs/ORs in Group X with diploma holders in engineering on the civil side. In case of civilians, posts requiring minimum qualification of diploma in engineering are placed in GP 4200 and in defence forces, some of the posts in X group whose minimum qualification held equivalent to diploma in engineering are placed in GP 2800. The element of X group pay was therefore fixed at ₹1,400. The Commission has examined the existing educational and training requirements of X pay personnel and has already noted the wide variation that exists in the three Services in this  Report of the Seventh CPC 126 Index

regard. It has therefore recommended that all X trades should mandatorily involve obtaining a qualification which is equivalent of a diploma in engineering (recognised by AICTE).

The approach adopted by the VI CPC in determining X pay is agreed with. At the same time the incentive structure needs to have a bearing with the qualifications.

Accordingly, this Commission recommends:

i. X pay for JCOs/ORs in Group X at ₹6,200 per month for all X trades which involve obtaining a qualification which is equivalent of a diploma recognised by AICTE. This amount is the difference in the minimum of the Pay level 6 (corresponding to Grade Pay of ₹4200 in VI CPC), and Pay level 5 (corresponding to Grade Pay of ₹2800 in VI CPC).

ii. X pay for JCOs/ORs in Group X at ₹3,600 per month (standard fitment of 2.57 on the existing X pay of ₹1,400), for those currently in X pay, but not having a technical qualification recognised by AICTE.

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