Introduction of new Para 18.3 and 18.4 under the head Miscellaneous Provisions in Scheme For Disbursement of Pensions To Railway Pensioners Through Public Sector Banks Effective From 1-8-1976 in Accounts Code I to cover the procedure for issue of duplicate PPOs.
RBA No. 60/2015
No. 2015/AC-II/21/8
New Delhi, dated 29.09.2015
1. General Managers/FA & CAOs etc (As per standard List I)
2. All attached offices/Subordinates offices (As per standard List II)
Sub :- Introduction of new Para 18.3 and 18.4 under the head Miscellaneous Provisions in Scheme For Disbursement of Pensions To Railway Pensioners Through Public Sector Banks Effective From 1-8-1976 in Accounts Code I to cover the procedure for issue of duplicate PPOs.
Advanced Correction Slip No. 44 amending Annexure II, Chapter X, Indian Railway Code for Accounts Department – Vol I, regarding procedure for issue of duplicate PPOs, is enclosed for necessary action.
Kindly acknowledge receipt.
DA : As above.
(Ambika Jain)
Director Finance / CCA
Railway Board
Advance Correction Slip No. 44
PART – I (Second Reprint) 1997
Two new para 18.3 and 18.4 may be added below the para 18.2 under head ‘Miscellaneous Provisions’ in Appendix II Chapter X, Indian Railways code for the Accounts Department – Part – I, (Second Reprint) 1997 as under:
18.3 If both the halves of a PPO are reported to have been lost in transit due to floods etc., before commencement of payment of pension, the paying branch to which the matter is reported will address the concerned Accounts Office through the usual channel i.e. Link Branch, FA & CAO requesting for issue of a duplicate PPO in favour of the concerned pensioner in terms of the provisions of rule 332-A of CTRs. Before initiating action in this behalf the paying branch will, however, verify from the register of payment of pensions that no payment has already been made to the pensioner and confirm this fact to the Accounts Office while writing for a duplicate PPO. The paying branch will also take the following further action before commencing payment in such cases on receipt of duplicate PPOs:
a. The fact that no payment is to be made against the original PPO will be prominently mentioned in the ‘Remarks’ column of the Register of Payments of Pension while nothing therein the particulars of the duplicate PPO.
b. A declaration from the pensioner to the effect that he has not already received any payment against the Original PPO; and also an undertaking from him to the effect that he will surrender to the paying branch the Original PPO, if traced out later and will not claim any payment on its strength will be obtained from the pensioner and kept on their record.
c. It will ensure that no payment has been made to the pensioner on the basis of original PPO during the period following the report made to the PAO as regards its reported loss.
18.4 In case where disburser’s portion of PPO is lost by the Paying branch of the bank, the Paying branch will report the matter to the concerned Accounts Office through the usual channel, i.e. link branch, FA & CAO requesting for issue of duplicate disburser’s portion of PPO. For this purpose, the Paying Branch will forward the photocopy of the pensioner’s portion of PPO duly attested by the Bank Manager and certificate indicating the month upto which the payment has been made to the pensioner. FA & CAO will send this information to the concerned Accounts office for issue of duplicate Disburser’s portion of PPO
(Authority: Board’s Letter No. 2015/AC-II/21/8 dated 29.09.2015)
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