Discontinuation of Interviews at the Junior level posts-Workshop regarding.

Discontinuation of Interviews at the Junior level posts-Workshop regarding.

No. 39020/09/2015-Estt.(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

North Block, New Delhi, the 20th October, 2015

The Chief Secretaries of all the State Governments/ Administrators the Union Territories
(As per the list enclosed)


This is to inform you that the Department of Personnel and training following the recommendations made by Committee of Secretaries (CoS) in a meeting held on 14.09.2015 has recently with the approval of competent authority decided to discontinue interview for the junior level posts. The Department has also taken up the matter with the State Governments. A D.O. from Secretary (Personnel) to the Chief Secretaries was issued on 4th September 2015. Secretary (Personnel) further discussed the matter with the Secretary (GAD) from the various States during the two days workshop held on 8th and 9th September 2015. Several States have already taken initiatives undertake exercise for identifying posts where interview can be discontinued. The matter has also been taken up with the State Chief Ministers at the level of MoS(PP). A D.O. from MoS(PP) to all the Chief Ministers has been issued on the 07th October 2015, requesting them to initiate similar action towards achieving the objectives of citizen centric transparent governance.

2. The Department has now decided to hold one day workshop for the Principal Secretaries (Personnel/GAD) of the State Governments/UTs on 29.10.2015 at 09.30 A.M. at Civil Service Officers Institute (CSOI), Chankyapuri, New Delhi. The Union Minister of State, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (MoS{PP}) will be presiding over the workshop.

3. During the workshop this Department and a few Central Government Agencies would present their experience/success stories on the ‘No Interview Requirement’ proposal and its implementation. Some of the State Governments/UTs will also be required to make a brief 10 minute presentation on their responses, success stories and difficulties experienced while considering /implementing the “No Interview Requirement” proposals. Details of the presentation to be made, may kindly be sent in advance to facilitate its inclusion/selection/finalization in the programme. The agenda/programme for the workshop is enclosed as Annexure.

4. It is requested that the Principal Secretary (Personnel/GAD) or an officer of appropriate seniority handling the matter may be deputed for the aforesaid workshop. Keeping in view the importance of the issue, it is expected that only the concerned official handling the matter is deputed to attend the aforesaid workshop. Resident Commissioners may accompany the officer from the State, if required. It is also requested to confirm the participation of your State in the above said meeting through fax/mail (Telefax: 011-23094398, E-mail:jssv1-dopt@nic.in. Advance copy of the presentation to be may also be provided on the above e-mail.

Yours faithfully,

(Dr. Devesh Chaturvedi)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Tel. No. (011) 23094398

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