Minutes of the Review Meeting on ‘Anubhav’ held 8.5.2015 at Lok Nayak Bhawan …

Minutes of the Review Meeting on ‘Anubhav’ held 8.5.2015 at Lok Nayak Bhawan …

No. 4/2/2014-P&PW (Coord.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare

Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, the 20th May, 2015

Office Memorandum

Sub: Minutes of the Review Meeting on ‘Anubhav’ held 8.5.2015 at Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi-reg.

The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith minutes of the review meeting on ‘Anubhav’ held on 8th May, 2015 for information and appropriate action.

2. This issues with the approval of Secretary (Pension & ARPG).

(Sujasha Choudhury)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India

Minutes of the review meeting on ‘Anubhav’ held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Pension) on 08.05.2015

List of participants is enclosed.

1. In his opening remarks, Shri Alok Rawat, Secretary (Pension) informed all the participants about the initiative ‘Anubhav’ and explained the rationale behind this concept, which is being monitored by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. This is on the lines of the system prevalent earlier of handing over charge by the outgoing officer to the new incumbent with a ‘Charge Note’. Anubha’ has been visualized on similar lines, so that the retiring employees can share their experiences and suggestions. Secretary stressed the need to motivate the retiring employees to submit write-ups for ‘Anubhav’.

2. Thereafter a presentation on ‘Anubhav’ was made and the concept explained in detail. It was also emphasized that while submission was not mandatory, Departments should encourage submission of write-ups and also clear the pending write-ups at the earliest.

3. Representative from Department of Telecom wanted to know whether the employees of the erstwhile Department of Telecom who are presently working in BSNL and other PSUs and drawing their pay/pension from the public exchequer, would be eligible to participate in ANUBHAV. Department of Telecom and Department of Post also requested for an exclusive training for their employees. JS(P) asked them to send a formal request to DoP&PW.

4. CRPF stated that there are some things related to the Armed Forces that should not go in public domain and hence this information cannot be put on the ANUBHAV website. CRPF representative also stated that as most of the soldier’s time is spent on operational activities in field, it will be risk to the national security and could compromise the safety where they are deployed.

5. It was clarified by Secretary (Pension) that in case of BSF, CRPF, ITBP, SSB, CISF and other paramilitary forces, there is no need to put up details relating to the operational activities but the administrative experience can be shared. Moreover, there are many aspects of experience gained during service. CRPF representative agreed to share their experience with the coming generations.

6. Ministry of Defence representative emphasized that care must be taken to prevent ANUBHAV from becoming a grievance portal. He also stated that since its inception the employees who are about to retire are being encouraged and assisted in preparing their write ups.

7. JS(Pension) also made a brief presentation on the initiative ‘Sankalp’ and the ‘win-win’ situation for pensioners, their family and the community, if the skill and time available were to be channelized towards voluntary work. This was appreciated by all.

8. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

Source: http://ccis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D3/D03ppw/PPW-Coord_20052015.pdf

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