“Anubhav”- showcasing outstanding work done during service- Submission of details by the retiring government employee Software application regarding
Government of India
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
LokNayakBhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, the 5th March 2015
Office Memorandum
Subject :“Anubhav”- showcasing outstanding work done during service- Submission of details by the retiring government employee Software application regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 19.2.2015 on “Anubhav” and to say that an online system has been developed by the National Informatics Centre(NIC). Instructions for use of this application by the retiring employees, Head of Offices/ Head of Departments in the Ministries/ Departments are enclosed herewith. These instructions may be read in conjunction with the OM referred to above.
2. You may log on to the application by clicking on link “Anubhav” on persmin.gov.in/pension.asp. The login Id and password is given in attached document.
3. The form on “Anubhav”, furnishing the details of the outstanding work by the retiring employee has also been modified in consonance with the software application. A copy of the revised “Anubhav” form is also enclosed. This form is to be submitted along with form 5 of CCS (Pension) Rules.
4. The instructions may be circulated appropriately among all employees of the Ministry and attached/ subordinate offices and given wide publicity to encourage participation in “Anubhav” as this project is being monitored at the highest levels.
5. For any further clarification or feedback please contact the undersigned.
(Tripti PGosh)
Read more details-http://ccis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D3/D03ppw/OM_Eng_050315.pdf
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