Improvement in Pension of JCO/OR retired/discharged/invalided out of service prior to 1.1.2006

Improvement in Pension of JCO/OR retired/discharged/invalided out of service prior to 1.1.2006

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

Dated: 25th November, 2014


The Chief of the Army Staff,
The Chief of the Naval Staff,
The Chief ofthe Air Staff.


Subject:- Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries 2012 on the issues related to Defence Service Personnel and Ex-Servicemen – Improvement in Pension of JCO/OR retired / discharged / invalided out of service prior to 1.1.2006,


While issuing this Ministry’s letter No. No.1(13)/2012/D(Pen/Policy) dated 17.1.2013 the rates of improved pension in respect of Honorary Commissioned Officers of DSC could not be included therein inadvertently. The same are provided as indicated below:-

(i) The rates of pension as indicated in Table No.6 (Army), attached with MoD letter No.1 (13)/2012-D(Pen/Policy), dated 17.1.2013 in respect of pre-1.1.2006 retirees JCO/OR granted honorary Commissioned Officer rank, are equally applicable to Honorary Commissioned Officers of DSC. Accordingly, the new Table No.11 (A) (DSC) has been added for Honorary Commissioned Officers of DSC as Annexure,

(ii) Revised rates of pension relating to NCs (E) as indicated in Table-I (Army), maybe applied in Table No,19 (Air Force) for NCs(E) TINDAL and HEAD TINDAL in place of existing rates,

(iii) In Columns 2,3, 4 and 5 of Table No.13 (Navy), for ranks Art-IV and Art III-I; for the period post 10.10.1997 read “group X” for “group ‘A,'”

2. The provisions of this letter shall take effect from 24.9.2012.

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Division of 10(11)/2012/FIN/PEN dated 15.10.2014.

Hindi version will follow.

(Prem Parkash)
Under Secretary(Pension/Policy)

Revised Pension in respect of Pre:1-1-2006 retirees JCO/OR granted honorary commissioned Officer (DSC)

Length of Service (years) Subedar (Hony.Lt.) Subedar Major (Hony.Lt) Length of Service (Years) Subedar (Hony.Capt.) subedar Major (Hony.Capt.)
Revised Pension w.e.f.1-1-2006 Revised Pension W.e.f24-09-2012 Revised Pensionw.e.f 1.1.2006 Revised Pension w.e.f24-9-2012
15 8182 9373 15 8394 9785
15.5 8387 9608 15.5 8604 10030
16 8591 9842 16 8814 10275
16.5 8796 10076 16.5 9024 10519
17 9000 10310 17 9234 10764
17.5 9205 10545 17.5 9444 11008
18 9410 10779 18 9654 11253
18.5 9614 11013 18.5 9863 11498
19 9819 11248 19 10073 11742
19.5 10023 11482 19.5 10283 11987
20 10228 11716 20 10493 12232
20.5 10432 11951 20.5 10703 12476
21 10637 12185 21 10913 12721
21.5 10841 12419 21.5 11122 12965
22 11046 12654 22 11332 13210
22.5 11250 12888 22.5 11542 13455
23 11455 13122 23 11752 13699
23.5 11660 13357 23.5 11962 13944
24 11864 13591 24 12172 14189
24.5 12069 13825 24.5 12382 14433
25 12273 14060 25 12591 14678
25.5 12478 14294 25.5 12801 14922
26 12682 14528 26 13011 15167
26.5 12887 14763 26.5 13221 15412
27 13091 14997 27 13431 15656
27.5 13296 15231 27.5 13641 15901
28 & above 13500 15465 28 & above 13850 16145


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