BJP fails in Delhi on the worries of Central Government Employees with bio-metric attendance system and reduction of retirement age

BJP fails in Delhi on the worries of Central Government Employees with bio-metric attendance system and reduction of retirement age – Hindustan Times

The BJP seems to have invited the wrath of central government employees living in the national capital with some of its non-populist measures.

With early trends in Delhi suggesting a complete rout for the BJP barely eight months after it swept the national capital in the Lok Sabha polls, party strategists say the party paid a heavy price because of government workers’ worries.

There are about seven lakh central government employees in Delhi – 30% of them women – and party strategists fear other voters in these families also voted against the BJP.

The Narendra Modi government’s decision on biometric attendance making it mandatory for government employees to mark their attendance sharply at 9 in the morning upset women employees, a union minister said.

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